Comic Books
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 69.3%
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bonfireben | 08/20/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.3
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This one intrigues me – I would love for Layla to re-enter the present-day Marvel Universe (or should I say X-Men Sub-Universe).
I miss the girl who knows stuff.
PAD says she’ll be back soon. I’m curious to see exactly how he’s going to pull that off. Maybe Bishop will bring her back. I think X-factor and Cable would be perfect for a X-over story right now.
Loved Layla in Messiah Complex, so I’m looking forward to this.
Bring her home now! And none of this Mutant X stuff either. No ongoing series or anything like that. That’s the problem with the Marvel Universe, too many miniseries and one shots. Great little story, but don’t see why it couldn’t have been told in the series proper.
I really think Layla not being the the x-factor ongoing anymore is what’s killing that book for me. The dynamic between her and jamie and then the whole crew is what really made me love that book.
Best X-Factor book in a long while.
Layla is fantastic, and so much more interesting than the She-Hulk crossover.
Great comic.
Should have been Pick of the Week!
Yeah this was a great book, but when I thought about all the books this week, this one kind of slipped my mind.
i will like to see this as a mini series