Comic Books


In the aftermath of the battle with Hela, the team is in upheaval.

One member leaves…another arrives…Rictor and Rahne finally have it out over the identity of her baby’s father.

Written by Peter David
Art by Valentine De Landro
Cover by David Yardin

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


ComicBookGuy3701/15/11NoRead Review
Invasionforce01/10/11YesRead Review
bilko102401/05/11YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. I’m loving it but I can’t believe they are actually doing a “Who’s the baby’s daddy?!?” storyline.

  2. wtf? darwin’s leaving???

  3. Oh no, not Darwin! How will the team… Don’t we all remember when he… How about those great scenes in the Skrull crossover…

    I am kinda surprised he has stayed so long.

  4. @JimBilly We don’t talk about the Secret Invasion issues. Dark days for X-Factor.

  5. I loved this. Shocker, right?? 😛

    DeLando’s art seemed a bit different since it was pretty ink heavy, but it’s still as reliable as ever. As for the script, it oozed the right amount of drama without being overwrought and soap operaish. It was a satisfying end to the dilemma of Rahne’s return.

    Can’t wait to see WHY Darwin is dressed like John Wayne on the cover to next issue.

  6. The book is always better when it’s about the character dynamics.  The battling with ancient Vikings or Bastion sentinels makes me want to sleep.  The baby drama is actually more interesting than the brawls. 

    It seems like Monet hasn’t done anything for several issues.  Hopefully, she’ll get some more story (other than sun tanning).

  7. Best issue since this arc began. Loved every minute of it.

  8. The references to Hrimhari were reminiscent of those great X-Men and New Mutant Annuals by Claremont and Arthur Adams, I think I still have those somewhere.

  9. Peter David knows how to write his slapstick.  The Monet throwing Pip off the roof part was perfectly done.

  10. This book has gotten back to the point where it is a 5 star book consistently.  This is going be considered a landmark run for David in later years. I’m glad Marvel leaves him alone. (Well, except for Messiah Complex & Secret Invasion)

  11. So close to pick of the Week. But Thanos Imperative: Devastation won it for me. Really one of the best titles Marvel is putting out right now.

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