Comic Books
• It’s Wolverine versus Kid Omega for dominance of the Jean Grey School.
• Wolverine will discover that the hardest prison to escape can be his own mind.
Story by Brian WoodArt by Roland Boschi, Mark Brooks, Andrew Currie, Jay Leisten & Norman Lee
Colors by Dan Brown & Ronda Pattison
Letters by Joe Sabino
Cover by Mark Brooks
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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this seems interesting… only because Brian Wood is on it, just hope they don’t make the two books crossover
When you say two books, do you mean this and Wolverine and the X-Men?
yep, just don’t wanna see the momentum of that book derailed. Then again, this could be awesome as well
5 artists?
As long as I can keep Aaron on the actual series this is fine
I really hope this is good. It’s Brian Wood so it should be well written, but the fact that there are 5 artists and 2 colorists on this book has me worried. We shall see.
wow. 10 creators plus all the editors and production staff. Thats a ridiculous amount of cooks in the kitchen, not to mention cost. pure insanity.
I’m pretty sure that this book had two pencillers (Brooks and Boschi) when it was announced, so a complementary inker and colorist for each pencil style doesn’t really seem like a cause for concern.
So assuming Currie, Leisten and Lee are all inkers, this book is really only +1 inker.
Hate to see the Wolvie & the X-men name become stretched so soon.
As an X-men fan, there really are too many X-men titles on the market… That being said I’m still getting this.
Haha, I think your second sentence entirely explains your first sentence.
I think there is a phenomenon I’ll call “X-Title Creep” where you start reading one X-Title and slowly but surely you end up reading 4 or more! It happened to me back in the 90s (I think I was reading almost everything shortly before, during and for a little while after Age of Apocalypse) and now it’s happening again — Uncanny X-Men led to Wolverine and the X-Men led to New Mutants and Generation Hope and now I’m probably going to start picking up Legacy as well.
I am, however, avoiding this one for now. If Jason Aaron ends up getting me to really like Quentin Quire in the main book, I’ll circle back for the collection of this.
X-Title Creep! Love it! And it totally happened to me too. About 2 years ago I started with just Uncanny, that lead to X-Force, which lead to X-Factor, and then Legacy. It was just too much. I’ve managed to dial it back to just this book for now but I can already feel myself wanting to get caught up on Wolverine and the X-Men…
I gave this 4 stars because some parts of it were decent and I can see how it may have been enjoyable to some but it just wasnt for me , I probably won’t continue with the rest of the series cuse i wasnt really digging the plot .
4 stars seems quite high for a book you didn’t enjoy.
I enjoyed parts of it just not enough to continue the series thanks
If you’re concerned about the multiple artists you shouldnt be. Without revealing anything the story takes place in multiple settings with each team taking full duties on one or the other. It worked REALLY well imo and I loved the book. Great way to let Brian Wood stretch his legs in the X sandbox.
Just started reading this, did anyone else think of the South Park Goth Kids when Quentin said “Conformists.”…? I need to get out more….
I think with any other mutant but Wolverine in the title role in this book I would have really loved it, but I just regular really like it. How often does someone control/possess you before you go out and get a magneto helmet.
Good point.
meh. Dont think I’ll be coming back for seconds.
I was totally up for this because, for whatever reason, I assumed that it was only going to be two issues.
But it’s five? At $3.99 each? I’ve never been THAT big of a fan of Brian Wood.
My goodwill towards what Aaron is doing in the main series isn’t going to stretch THIS far. And I like Quentin mostly because of Morrison’s awesome New X-Men run. But…Marvel, I just don’t have this much goodwill. I’ve been burned before.
If people on iFanboy all of a sudden turn around and say that this IS a really good mini, then I could be convinced to pick it up in trade. But, as of now, no way.
THIS. This is what wolverine and the x-men SHOULD be.
Fantastic Issue!
Random question that I’m sure I’m the only person who noticed: Why did they change QQ’s pin on the cover? It used to be “P!” but now its “PI” Maybe I’m just the kind of person who sees juicy gossip everywhere, but I feel there’s a story there. I think I remember seeing “P!” pins being connected to the FLCL manga/anime so maybe something there?