Comic Books


Logan, Yukio, and Amiko invade the secret cave headquarters of the Hand to save the Silver Samurai!

The big finale of the Hand/Yakuza war is here!

Story by Jason Aaron
Art by Billy Tan & Steven Sanders
Cover by Arthur Adams & Jerome OpeƱa

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. would Daniel Dae Kim make a good silver samurai in the next wolverine movie?

  2. I’m gonna venture “no” on that, I’m a big fan of Dan’s work in Angel and Lost etc, but he’s like a smooth laidback kinda guy, intense sometimes sure but ah, not really coming across as samurai to me. He’s, like, always wearing a suit in every role. I dunno.

    Also, this cover needs speedlines.

    • Dear PsychoJudgeDredd,
      You are right about the cover. It does need speedlines.
      Did DDK have many action seems in Angel? He has a few in Hawaii 5-0, that make me think he would be a good samurai.
      I thought DDK was pretty intense at the start of lost. Thoughts? Does it translate to the Silver Samurai character?

  3. i don’t know why, but i feel like this arc is a misfire. maybe it’s the two artists, maybe it’s the tired old trope of Wolverine in Japan, but it’s missing a lot of the charm of Aaron’s other Wolverine stuff.

    • I agree it’s nowhere close as good as his other stuff but it’s had it’s moments although they’ve been inconsistent

  4. Jeez this arc has been such a mess. I struggled to get through this issue.

  5. I just found it hard to follow..I was confused with all the different “realities”

  6. The Steve Sanders pages in this are some of the absolute worst art and coloring I have ever seen in a Marvel book. It looked like an amateur first time artist on a bad indie superhero comic. It was so bad, it actually was a relief whenever the Billy Tan pages came up (who I’m not a huge fan of either). It’s a shame that Aaron is having finish off such a strong run with such poor art.

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