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TheNextChampion09/16/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. Penultimate issue.  I’m excited to reread the complete Metamorpho and Kamandi stories next week.  I may even get out my microscope and attempt to read Wonder Woman.

  2. @stuclach: An electron microscope? Cause those panels are the size of an electron.

    Most of these stories are really picking up steam. Except for Deadman…..that seem to end itself last issue.

  3. @TNC Maybe it’s a Bond story and he sleeps with the lovely ladies in the last two issues and makes some thinly veiled puns.

  4. @Prax: Not only would that be uncharacteristic for a DC title, but I would love to see it.

  5. @Prax – That raises an interesting question. If you were in Deadman’s (figurative) shoes and about to score whose body would you inhabit?  

    That may well be the most uncomfortable question I have ever asked. 

  6. so you’re asking Prax directly which dude he  would like to be to bone a lady? i don’t even know if that’s homoerotic or not.


    Well, Prax, we’re waiting. 

  7. Obviously the only answer is Edward. 😉

  8. Awww

    *throws flowers into bin*

  9. Have you ever smiled politely and back out of a room slowly?

  10. @Prax – Well done.

    @edward – Yes, and I’m about to do it again here. 

  11. You guys are all fucked up

  12. @ drake: jealous?

  13. Back on topic: Which strips do you plan on rereading when we reach the end?  If they collected a single strip into an oversized trade which would you purchase? I would probably get the Supergirl collected for my daughters and perhaps the Hawkman for my dad (he’s a Hawkman fan). 

    @drakedangerz – I apologize if I offended your delicate sensibilities. 

  14. I would have to say I would probably buy a Kamandi "trade," maybe Strange Adventures and possibly Metamorpho. Though, I really don’t plan on it. And I would imagine we’re probably going to get 3 trades with 5 strips each, if anything.

  15. @stuclach-Oww, my freakin’ eyes!!  I’ll be reading Kamandi, Adam Strange, Flash and Superman again.  Superman has been disappointing overall, but maybe an extra long reading session is just what that strip needs (doubt it though)

  16. Definitely going to be trying the Strange Adventures again. Pope’s artstyle turned me off for almost the whole run. Then I read his Strange Tales story and some of his other work….Now I really want to see if I can like it with a different prespective.

    Of course read the Metamorpho one again. You can get a year’s dose of humor with that.

  17. I need to give Mr. Pope a bit more attention.  At first glance his art looks childish (not trying to offend, just giving my impression), but after closer inspection it appears to be quite detailed.  I think it is rather unique and I simply need some time to get used to it.

  18. I want the two Metamorpho periodic table strips as a big poster. That would be cool.

    I’m definitely rereading the Strange Adventures, Kamandi, and Flash over again. Probably Deadman too. 

  19. @Stuclach; i would choose the  Paul Giamatti. Just so i know she really loves me

  20. @edward – Excellent choice.  I’m trying really, really hard not to visualize that.

  21. I think I’ll be collecting almost all of them in Trade except Wonder Woman (could you imagine that story in a smaller format? would they just divide each page-issue into four like the artist clearly intended?), Sgt. Rock, Teen Titans and Superman. I’m just curious in who they’re going to do them! Will they do one big oversized issue with all the issues reorganized in their respective stories or will we have to buy each?

  22. Highlights:

    Flash comic was the best this week. Aquaman being a badass. Lettering design for the alien in Metamorpho. Anti Beer goggles in Deadman.


    Well….none really. Amazing that Wonder Woman had readable panels this time around. Shame it took 11 weeks to do such a thing.

  23. Awesome: Kamandi, Flash, giant seahorse 

  24. @edward: Hey! Paul Giamatti is one sexy motherfucker!

  25. if you are going to talk about what the Wonder Woman artist clearly intended, then you should find out what that actually is first.

  26. @leigh-What?

  27. I’m actually going to miss this when it’s done! Aquaman popping up here and there, fun stories. Some really surprises. Here they are, for your viewing pleasure:

    Prax’s Patented Ratings:

    The Great: Kamandi (Sad, touching, looks great. My favorite overall strip of this series.); Deadman (Very cool, enjoyed it. Be interesting to see where this goes.); Metamorpho (Awesome as always. My third favorite overall.); Strange Adventures (Very, very cool. Some great design elements here. The pool reflection in the second panel especially. Also, that museum scene is based off an exhibit from the New York City Museum of Natural History!); Supergirl (Not exactly as interesting as before, and it means next issue will be a rush job, still fun.); Flash (Awesome story and beautiful layout.); Hawkman (Very cool! Aquaman has never been this bad-ass!)

    The Good: Green Lantern (Really amped it up over the last two issues, shame the whole story isn’t as good and the art isn’t as strong as it is here.); Metal Men (Very fun, light story.)

    The Mediocre: Batman (The dogs are… alive!? Batman seems surprisingly ineffectual this outing.); Demon/Catwoman (A decent story but not really as good as it had been.)

    The Bad: Superman (Yawn. Why does Kal-El look like he has make-up on in the last panel?); Teen Titans (Uhh… what?); Wonder Woman (Beautiful spread which really showcases the artists talent.); Sgt. Rock (Sigh… great art, terrible story.)


    Algon says: "To the stars." 

  28. @leigh – thanks for that link. Very informative.

    Most of my opinions on this issue remain the same as the last few, although Wonder Woman – over the last three chapters – has interested me more and more. Teen Titans is still the weakest one for me

  29. I really want to get the Green Lantern page from this issue framed.

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