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Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.4%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
robbydzwonar | 07/21/11 | No | Read Review |
NOK | 07/21/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.0
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I’m actually pleased that things have slowed down. I like the character development in the past few issues. We would burn out if every issue were filled with conflict and misery. It’s refreshing that our heroes can have a hint of optimism in an otherwise bleak world.
not sure where to post this but, i wanted to share that i basically devoured the Compendium in a few short days….got some library trades, borrowed/traded with friends and got some back issues and caught myself up with this series in a few short weeks. (i think i read like 30 issues worth of series over 4h of July weekend)……this series is amazing!!!i really never thought that i’d like a series like this, but i’m all in now. i’ve got the fever…
@wallythegreenmonster: I recently got caught up too and the recent stuff is ok also…
@wallythegreenmonster: Welcome, brother. Brace yourself for the transitions from reading TWD in trade to waiting a month for each issue. It’s a transition unlike any other in modern comics. And sometimes it can be very painful. But always worth it and never a disappointment.
@WheelHands –yeah i was thinking about that. I was used to being able to read an arc in one sitting…now its sloooooowwwwwww. got them jitters. haha Even going to the compendium (no clear issue dividers) to trades and stuff…it was interesting.
things are starting to get very very interesting….
Fuck that shitty soap opera trope at the end…