Comic Books


The public gets what the public wants – and the public wants “X-Men.” The Sublime Corporation is here to provide, at a cost. Both financially and for the safety of the entire world. It’s the gala product launch that everyone will be talking about. If only the actual X-Men weren’t dying of the power-sapping flu on Utopia so they could stop this.

Story by Matt Fraction & Kieron Gillen
Art by Greg Land & Jay Leisten
Colors by Justin Ponsor
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Greg Land & Justin Ponsor

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m loving this book.

  2. @USPUNX Wow. Um, then I probably shouldn’t read you this letter I just received from the Desk of God. No, if you don’t care, you don’t care… Ok, I will say that the stationary it is written on is AMAZING. Holding it is like clutching a choir of angels in your hand. But I’ll keep the rest of it to myself.

    Fine. Yes. Land has been sent here to test the faithful. But that is all I am gonna say.

  3. I have no idea what you just said. But I’m pretty sure it was snarky. 

  4. Last issue was the weakest of this series after parts 1 and 2 had me invested in this arc, but I don’t care what anyone says either, Greg Land is the sh!t.

  5. Almost done…this subpar run and horrendous artist is almost done…

  6. this arc has been great and that cover really pops

  7. i like the mutant flu stories but i’ve really just been sticking around to see what happens with Shaw. Man i love Shaw. The panel where he gets dropped out of a plane gave me chills.

  8. @USPUNX

    Agreed. This book has been consistantly great in writing and art.

  9. waiting for solo gillen

  10. People must be reading Uncanny X-Men from a parallel dimension because the book I’m reading has terrible writing and art.

  11. Yeah, Land is shit! And I can’t wait for Fraction to get off this book.

  12. Usually what will get me to buy and read a comic is because I like the art.  Sometimes when I think the writing is bad, the art will be good enough for me to keep buying the book, but sometimes I won’t buy a book if I think the writing is so bad despite liking the art, and only very rarely will I buy a comic for the story if I don’t like the art, so it is beyond me why some people would read a comic when they think both the art and writing are bad.

  13. For me, I buy this book for the title only. I will always buy Uncanny, no matter what. Its the only comic that I must buy, even if its suck. So if it sucks, I need to say it if I want it to change.

  14. They will only change it if you stop buying it.

  15. @rockingeek: agreed. this is probably the only book I will buy regardless of creative team or quality. Has been a weakness for me since I was 12…

  16. Land’s work is just as good as it has always been, but I don’t know, the action in this seemed unoriginal, predictable, and not very exciting or entertaining really.  I’ve pretty much always been a hard critic of Fraction’s writing, but since this arc started, it had gained momentum with me, but that is now officially lost after the last two issues.

  17. My *only* beef with this issue is that they didn’t identify the villains well.

  18. I miss three dimensional characterization. This was crap.

  19. I’m actually rather liking this story, but the art is just painful at times.

  20. I think secretly, all the women in the X-Universe ARE the same woman. And that is why Land draws them all looking the same. It’s genius!

    Oh, and that woman is a total slut whore.

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