The End before The Beginning.

Story by Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman & Nick Spencer
Art by Gabriel Hardman, Bryan Hitch, Paul Neary, Lee Garbett & Roger Bonet
Colors by Frank Martin, Paul Mounts & Guru-eFX
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Bryan Hitch, Paul Neary, Paul Mounts & Marko Djurdjevic

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


keith719807/23/11NoRead Review
DevilishRagz8807/22/11YesRead Review
TheAgeingYoungRebel07/21/11NoRead Review
loganalpha07/20/11YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. Does anybody know which writers will be writing what issues? Or is it just 2 issues per writer?

  2. @thompsonlive  They are all writing this issue.

  3. @conor oh sweet, that’s interesting. I would love to know how that kinda process happens. Does each writer take different pages or only writes the dialouge for certain characters?

  4. @thompsonlive  They each are writing different short stories.

  5. @conor well that makes sense. I thought it was going to be a single story with multiple writers.

  6. Man, Thor is taking Pete’s death pretty hard…

  7. @thompsonlive I totally sympathize with the confusion since the first issue was basically Ultimate Spider-man 161 – which I enjoyed, but the anthology nature of the rest of the series kind of makes me think Fallout is truly just tidying up and setting the table for the relaunch. Not a problem as I see it, just kind of different.

  8. Gabe Hardman!

  9. @MisterJ well thor really gushed on the kid in issue 150 now I don’t know if this is a bit of stoner talking but do you think that pete reminded thor of a young loki do you?

  10. @conallgil  I think Thor was just really imprfessed by how young and how honorable Peter was. In all the times I’ve seen them interact in this universe Thor just seemed very proud and impressed by Peter’s character in much the same way Tony was impressed by his genius.

  11. I’m shocked to see the high ratings and POTW status for this because I thought this issue was an absolute mess, especially coming off the heels of the excellent Fallout #1.

    Glad you guys liked it, just wish I did too. 

  12. @silentbum Agreed. I loved the last issue but this was a one star book for me. Too many stories, non of which were any good

  13. Great Aunt May moment at the beginning, neat little Thor story in the middle, boring and pointless Rogue story near the end, capped with just a dash of MJ intrigue to bring me back next time. A solid 3 if ever there was one.

  14. Mixed bag. Absolutley loved the Aunt May captain america scene the rest ranged from meh to above average.

  15. Not bad at all , despite the shitty Rogue story

  16. Yes, a real let down after the gut punch of issue one.  Is this meant to act as a primer for the relaunch?  If so, it did a really poor job.

  17. This was disappointing. I thought the last issue was terrific and the first few pages continued that, but the last 2/3 of the issue was basically previous for the upcoming Thor and X-Men stuff, which I have no interest in. They were fine, but wholly uninteresting to me. Here’s hoping the next issue returns the the story that holds so much promise.

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