The mysterious woman connected to the creation of the New 52 gets her own series!

Pandora is on an action-packed, blood-soaked mission to hunt down the horrors she inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Can she save the DCU—and redeem herself in the process?

A prequel to the upcoming “Trinity War”!

Story by Ray Fawkes
Art by Patrick Zircher, Zander Cannon, Daniel Sampere, & Vicente Cifuentes
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Dezi Sienty
Cover by Ryan Sook, Pasqual Ferry, & Brad Anderson

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. This better be good! This has literally been built up since the last issue of Flashpoint. I am hoping for a great payoff

    • I have low expectations for anything written by Ray Fawkes – he just seems to be an okay writer. I’m worried you might be a little disappointed with this.

      But it would be great if I was wrong.

    • Is Trinity War connective to the end of Flashpoint beginning of the New 52? If so, awesome, I would love some additional in-story explanation for the relaunch. But I had no idea it was connecting back to that.

  2. Literally, been waiting for this since Flashpoint really surprised this wasn’t a launch title.

  3. I’m 50-50 on getting Trinity War. If I do I’ll start with this, if it’s any good. Fawkes is co-writing JLD and Constantine so I think I’ve seen what he’s capable of and he seems like a decent writer. I hope this is just a mini-series tho, I don’t see this book has having any longevity.

    • I hate to omit it I feel like Phantom Stranger and now this book should either be minis or like an anthology. I have my fingers crossed that people will prove me wrong on both accounts.

    • I’m on the fence with this title, and the larger crossover as well. I’m already buying most of the titles involved, so ir won’t hurt my wallet too much to get all of it. Pandora #1 will probably be an in store decision for me.

      I will say that I have been enjoying Phantom Stranger more as the series goes on, the last couple issues have been pretty strong.

    • That’s good to hear, I read the 0 issue and found it pretty passable. Which is a shame cause I found the Stranger such a facisanting character, he deserves a good series.

      A terrible thought occured to me; what if this JL vs JLA vs JLD is another Avengers vs X-Men? Oh Gan I couldn’t take that. I would expect more from Johns and Lemire writing together.

      Pandora better wow me.

    • Yeah, Phantom Stranger has been a lot better since Didio left as writer. I would have dropped it early on too but I knew the story was pretty curial to what was going to happen in Trinity War so I kept reading. Now I’m glad I did. Pandora is going to be crucial too so if you want to read Trinity War I would probably pick it up. Unless you don’t care about reading the whole story.

    • Its deciding if I want to read the story thats bothering me. I’ve stayed away from events for years now, so I’m not entirely used to it. Plus its kind of a commitment buying al those issues, on top of my regular pull-file.

      Also Pandora’s is supposed to be the prelude. Can’t think of many of those in comics that were super revelant anyway.

      It all comes down to how I feel after I read the issue.

    • Here’s the checklist in case you want it. It’s not too bad compared to events like AvX with all the tie ins that had. Plus the 12 issue miniseries.

    • Thanks. I’ve already seen it because DC’s put it into every book (or at least the ones I’m reading) but put like that it doesn’t seem bad. Still 11 issues but theres a few tie-ins in there so…

      I’ll wait to see if the tie-ins are relevant if I go in for TW.

  4. This just looked okay, kinda dull. Too many DC books these days are just kind of there, with bland stories and uninspired art. There are several books they have that I don’t see lasting very long at all, and this is one of them.

  5. This was alright. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting or wanted. I was intrigued by the event but now I’m fairly ambivalent. I’ll probably trade wait Trinity War and go straight into the Villain Event this fall.

    • I’m stoked for the villains event. My pull list for Villains month is huge! Gotta start saving up.

    • I’m actually thinking the opposite. Since Trinity War is shorter and pretty self contained, I may go ahead with that, then wait on the villains event. I’m definitely skipping most of the September issues . . .

    • My pull list actually increased for villains month. I think I am getting 38 villain’s month issues.

  6. While not bad, I found this disappointing. Specifically, I did not like how they handled Pandora and the box. I understand that the desire to rework the original myth and make her more sympathetic, I don’t object to that at all. But have it be a completely chance encounter with no agency on her part, no knowledge at all of what would happen and then still she gets cursed? Yeah the Wizard did stop by with a proverbial deathbed change of mind a few thousand years later, but that seemed off too. Sigh. Maybe DC has something more in store here, but, at the moment, I’m feeling kinda blah about the title. May give the next two issues a try for Trinity War, may not, depends on my budget . . . .

  7. Just not interested enough to go in for issue 2. This was, to me at least, a so-so comic.

  8. should i get this? the only reason i’m thinking about it is because it’s a prelude to the trinity war

    • For me, the very last panel is the real lead-in to TW, and if you read it, you’re pretty much set.

      The rest is gravy. Luke-warm, kind of flavorless end gravy.

      NOTE: if you are a happen to be a Shazam fan, this will have some added appeal to you. I could even see hints of a cross-over with Wonder Woman coming down the road at some point, but that might just be me.

  9. I wasnt interested or curious about anything when I got to the final page. Dropped.

    I really hope we lose those worthless Channel2 pages eventually.

    • “I really hope we lose those worthless Channel2 pages eventually.”

      Lol – sometimes they are as entertaining as the 22 pages that came before them.

      ( … which is kinda sad, when you think about it … )

    • I like the idea of them, and sometimes they are funny (mostly thanks to A.Bug…). I think they could do mote with them though than updates on books I’m not reading.

      Although if DC scalped them and used the extra pages for more story or a letters page, I’d be down for that!

  10. Avatar photo consafo80 (@consafo80) says:

    thought it was really food, Pandora looks like she’s gonna be pretty bad ass. Don’t think Supes will be the one to open the box though.

  11. This was an ok first issue. I understand they had to tell the origin and history right off the bat but that got pretty old pretty quick. Especially the tour throughout the years. I liked it a lot better towards the end. I’m sure it will pick up now.

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