Comic Books


Price: $2.99
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  1. The current story arc needs to get over with – pronto.  It’s dragging the book down.

  2. @conor – Do you mean the alternative world storyline that shows the effect of the Trinity on the "primitive" populace or are you talking about the Morgan Le Fay and Anti-Riddler rounding up the baddies storyline?

    Personally, I am eager to see how the alternative world storyline plays out.  Do the members of the trinity retain their memories?  Will they recognize Alfred and Friends?  Has their power gone to their heads (they live in a "temple" constructed in their likeness)?

  3. @stuclach: The alternate timeline story that has just been pages and pages of exposition about things and people I don’t care about anymore.

  4. Interesting.  I have enjoyed seeing how the Trinity affect this group of people (?) given their background.  Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  5. I’m with Conor on this one.  This alternate timeline story is getting so redundant and frankly it is just boring. 

  6. It feels very elseworlds to me and I am all for anything that gets us closer to elseworlds.

  7. I am a huge DC fan, but this is probably the first…I guess you could call it DC "event" or major story that I am just buying out of habit at this point.  I really want to enjoy it, but it is just not doing it for me.  I love the Bagley art, but the story is just boring.

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