Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. Since the Troika erased the Trinity this has been DC’s version of the Age of Apocolaypse. You remember, where Charles Xavier’s son – Legion – wasn’t it? – who went back in time to fix the past, but accidentally killed Xavier, and the entire timeline was revised. Remember that? This is like that. Firestorm seems to be the only one who remembers the right history. There are people who have flashes here and there but nothing solid or tangible. Superman, batman and Wonder Woman seem to be figments of the imagination. Maybe they’ve been reassigned to an alternate Earth. Earth-T. "T" for Trinity. Where things occur in threes. 

  2. Last issue was badass.

  3. Ok I may have to pick this up again. I hung on for the first six issues but since they were just one REALLY drawn out battle I felt kind of cheated. I’ll give it another shot thanks to AirDave817‘s description.

    Props for giving a better sales pitch than anyone at DC seems to have been able to do.

  4. Yeah, this is really finding it’s way now. Bagley’s art continues to be stellar.

  5. The last 3 to 5 issues have been staggeringly good.  This alternate world viewed through the eyes of those whose lives were altered by the change (literally a life or death change for some) is a brilliant approach.  The Alfred storyline from last issue was a perfect antidote for what is happening to him over in Batman RIP.  I hope his storyline continues.

    I will admit that after the first 6 issues I thought Busiek had lost it and that Bagley was a total hack, but they have completely redeemed themselves since then.  And Nicieza has been holding his own with the backups.  This has become the first book I read every week.

  6. @Parker

    I’d pick up the last 2 issues with this one, it’s sort of the beginning of the "world without a trinity" act of the book.

    And Conor, you’re so right, last issue WAS badass, when i read it, knowing it was your pick I thought "how can this NOT be pick of the week?"  Then I read Action.  Anyways, I’m loving it.

  7. I just picked it, and flipped through it on my lunch break. All I can say is Amazos as Sentinels – WTH?! Since I am a Golden Age fan, I liked the split in history at the House Un-American Hearings. I’m tellin’ ya – this is DC’s version of Age of Apocalypse. 

  8. First half was awesome, second half was painful for me to read. All that cosmic stuff gives me a headache.

    "They are eager and hungry, suckling at the teat of divinity." LOL. Pretty hard for me to take this stuff seriously.

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