At last, it’s the return of Tom Strong—too bad he’s powerless! The lives of his daughter Tesla and her unborn child both hang in the balance, and there’s nothing Tom can do to save them…until he remembers the one thing that just might. To find it, he and Val Var Garm must journey to the far side of the galaxy, and the mysterious world known as…TERRA OBSCURA!

Written by: Peter Hogan
Art by: Chris Sprouse, Karl Story
Cover by: Chris Sprouse, Karl Story
Variant Cover by: Chris Sprouse, Karl Story

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Always loved this character since Alan Moore first brought him on the scene back in 1999. Wish Moore was writing this one but at Peter Hogan is no stranger to Tom, and with Sprouse on the art, I’m all in!

  2. I loved the art most, but the story was secondary. Will definitely be picking this up!

  3. A sign the Gawds are pleased with us.

  4. I’ll give it a looksie, but honestly, I was happy with the way the original run ended. I don’t ‘need” more Tom Strong.

  5. I love how meta this got in the middle:)

    • Agreed! Loved the whole comments on comic book writers – fun stuff. It reminded me of Alan Moore’s run on Supreme where his alter ego was a comic book artist and some of the stories he worked on started coming true.

      I thoroughly enjoyed this issue and thought it was the perfect introduction to Tom Strong’ s world to new readers. Didn’t hurt that Chris Sprouse delivered incredible artwork.

      STORY = 4
      ART = 5

  6. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    This was a POW contender on a pretty strong week. I just wish it was longer or at least felt a little more substantial.

    Said the actress to the bishop.

    Anyway, I hadn’t realized how much I missed Tom Strong. Such a great world and tone. I love that it’s a golden age throwback without all the jingoism and bigotry that you either gloss over or force you to abandon these types of works.

    • My thought exactly, the contents of the issue were great, but it kind of feels like i’m missing the first and last two pages. KABOOM! Trouble’s a brewin! Then a very low key final page.

      Gorgeous stuff from Sprouse, and nice to see Neuman again:)

  7. Didn’t do much for me. So long, Tom Strong.

  8. dropping it….I’m saying adios to Tom.

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