Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. I hope this comes with a handy dandy "This issue takes place before/after <insert issue number of New Avengers here>"

     pumped to see Remender write luke and danny regardless of continuity though

  2. Does Andy Diggle realize these are the last two people who would help Osborn?

    The solict says it’s an ‘offer they can’t refuse’ but still….I second with Roi hoping it takes place before New Avengers.

  3. I might pick this up because I need Iron Fist action.  But not sure.  It’s an in store decision for me.

  4. @TNC – I don’t think Diggle cares, since he’s not writing it 😉

  5. @TNC  yeah Rick Remender is writing this issue

  6. @SunnyvaleTrash and RoiVampire: Ah!

    My mind didn’t register that when reading the solict. All I saw was Iron Fist and Luke Cage going to the Thunderbolts and saw the writing credit for Andy Diggle.

    Mistake on the solicts! 🙂

  7. Ready to jump off T-bolts, but I think I’ve gotta check this one out, out of love for Remender and Powerman/Iron Fist. and even though I really am not a "continuity" type of guy, I have to admit, I’m very curious to see where this fits in between Diggle’s T-bolts, Iron Fist’s series wrapping up, and Cage’s part in New Avengers.



  8. Iron Fist is ending?!

  9. @daccampo-Don’t spread lies!!  There has not been any confirmation about the fate of Iron Fist after the Immortal Weapons mini wraps up.  I did listen to the Marvel podcast about it months ago that stated it would be back, but I’m waiting for official word before breaking down and crying.

  10. so there was a new issue of this at the comic shop, but it wasn’t this issue at all. flipped through it, no luke, no danny, no rememnder. did my comic shop get the wrong issue or something? very weird.

  11. got the issue…..136 but no iron fist nor luke……wtf???? Marvel is on crack or what?

  12. did a mistake with the solicts on this issue 136

    from marvel website, thunderbots 136:

    This is it, the finale to writer Andy Diggle’s run! Who is Scourge? What is Black Widow II’s game? Who answers Songbird’s cry for help? All the answers are supplied here, in the latest shocking installment of the book that calls “Bold and awesome…One of the best books Marvel puts out. Period.” Rated T …$2.99


  13. Overall this was a good run. With the exception of the Deadpool crossover, this book probably averaged around a 4 rating for me.

  14. I enjoyed the entire run, but I really thought it was gonna be more Losers-esque.

  15. iFanboy didn’t make the mistake. It’s Marvel’s error. The solicitation for issue #136 was Remender’s Power Man/Iron Fist double size and #137’s solicitation was Diggle’s last issue… I guess Marvel has swapped the issues (which kind of makes sense). I assume #137 will be the Remender issue. My comic shop wasn’t impressed when I showed them the error.

  16. so they have been keeping the other black widow in stasis with all her gear on ready to go? thats very nice of norman dont ya think 🙂

  17. This cover really kind of scared me away from one of my gulity pleasures. I secertly love the Thunderbolts. But Ironfist and Powerman joining them??? Havent read it yet and I really hope it makes sense.

  18. wow now I’m really confused. but this issue was rocking. Oh, Ant Man. You’re so irredeemable. Or, are you?

  19. This may be my last arc, cant say that I’ve been trilled by this title

  20. I want to see Black Widow and Songbird on the road together in a buddy book. Like Thelma and Louis.

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