Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


ohcaroline02/26/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. When does this crossover with Deadpool? Next month?

  2. deadpool crossover?  will my inner marvel zombie ever let me drop this book?

  3. This book has been great. It has sold me on Diggle.

  4. wow i love the cover. this is getting good im glad they put diggle on this

  5. I can do without the Deadpool crossover, but I’ll stay with the book.  Its been a great book so far I think

  6. @drake…….deadpool is awsome I cant wait to see diggle interpetation of deadpool. plus you know hes drop kicking ant man

  7. @cyberauron-Ant-Man is a slippery toad.  He would find a way to sneak away 😛

  8. @drake maybe so but i wouldnt put it pass deadpool to pass out on ant man. lol looney tune styles

  9. My LCS is having a 10 for 10 back issue sale, I take this would be a good title to take advantage of it on?

  10. I have been a fan since the very beginning.

    This is no longer the book I was a fan of (hasn’t been since Ellis, really).

    If this issue isn’t great, I won’t be reading the crossover, because Diggle has done nothing to impress me thus far.

  11. The art may be poo but the story was brilliant last issue.

  12. I’ll be excited to see what happens.  Hopefully the deadpool crossover kicks ass I feel Way was just treading water waiting to get to this point for awhile.  So hopefully we can get some kick-assery..

  13. I’m torn.  I enjoy Andy Diggle’s writing but I don’t think I’m going to be motivated to keep up with this title once there’s a wholesale cast turnover. 

    I’m sticking with it through this issue to see if they replace Obama with a life model decoy or something.

  14. I thought the story last issue was pretty mediocre.

    I have thought that since Diggle took over…but I gave him a pass at first because he was "clearing the decks" for his team.

    All this book has really done for two or so years is make me miss the Thunderbolts…=P  So yeah, definitely make or break for me here.

  15. good story, and loved the Ant-man and Paladin interaction.  That has the makings of a really good buddy cop book.  Art was chaotic at times though, with inconsistant faces and such.

  16. I am going to seriously deliberate over the next week or so as to whether or not I keep reading.  This did nothing for me, except for the important cameo.  Everything else?  Completely subpar.

  17. @Tommy I feel the same way, it just doesn’t have the bite it used to.

  18. Now that Diggle’s underway, I am really loving this book.  Norman and co. are crafty as hell.  Loved the way Ghost took out Samson.

  19. So the president doesn’t find it even a little suspiscious that all this happens when the formerly incarcerated and clinically insane Norman Osborn is on his plane? Why did I vote for this guy?

  20. @mountainwindcat – that’s exactly why I voted for the other guy.

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