Comic Books
• THOR RETURNS TO MIDGARD! What does it mean to walk the Earth as a god?
• Where does Thor go and who does he see when he’s not out saving the world with the Avengers?
• Also, the return of long-time love interest, Dr. Jane Foster.
Story by Jason AaronArt by Nic Klein
Letters by Joe Sabino
Cover by Esad Ribic
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 37.2%
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Vumbo | 08/29/13 | No | Read Review |
Seriousbizzle | 08/29/13 | No | Read Review |
CharlieSherpa | 08/28/13 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.7
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Pouring one for my homie Esad….
Couldnt have put it better myself.
I talked with Ron Garney this weekend, who is taking on art duties for an arc, and it’s got me to believe that they’re just changing artists on each arc.,
digitsmb, you kickin’ it with Garney? Cool. Give us more of the inside scope brother.
Saw him at my local con, ComiCONN. Really nice guy, somehow got to talking about Thor and I believe he’s covering the next arc,
My dawg Esad is gone.”Sniff, Sniff”.Time to light one up.
I really want and absolute edition of issues 1-11.
As far as I’m aware there’s not really a Marvel equivalent of the Absolute Edition. They did do a 12-issue hardcover edition of Waid’s Daredevil, so I bet they’ll do the same with the Aaron/Ribic run.
Yeah hopefully, there’s an 11 or 12 issue hardcover for superior Spider-man and Hawkeye too.
The first 11 issues of Hawkeye (plus a Young Avengers story with the female Hawkeye) are scheduled to come out in an oversized hardcover in November.
Very excited to see what Aaron has planned now for this series going forward. Whatever happens next, the Gorr saga will be a tough act to follow…
As sad as I am that the phenomenal first arc, and Ribic’s stint on the book, is over, I’m really excited to see what Aaron has in store moving forward. As epic as the first story was, it was very much self-contained. It’ll be interesting to see how the book maintains over time. Here’s hoping they keep nailing it.
As great as 1-11 was I’m going to take this jumping off point to make room on my pull list. I was surprised to pull the first 11 issues anyways seeing how I’ve never been a big Thor fan, and even then, it took until issue 4 and all the hype- mich deserved hype–to jump on this one. Here’s hoping Aaron’s run continues its epicness and I’ll buy it later in trade. There’s way too much good stuff coming from Image and Valiant for me to pass up.
I could have sworn I heard somewhere that Ribic’ s departure would not be permanent and that he would return for future arcs. Can anyone confirm/deny?
Cant confirm or deny but I heard that too. Maybe I read it in the letters column??
I’m 95% sure that Ribic will be doing one of the bookends to the X-Men event that’s coming up. After that . . . I sure hope he comes back to Thor! But I spent the last 28 issues of Remender’s Uncanny X-Force praying that Ribic would come back to that series as well…
Well, I had an epiphany the other day and realized I like Thor a lot and this book has been apparently rocking. So I’m jumping on, sorry I’m late everybody. I’m pretty excited.
No need to apologize my friend – just the fact that you are now picking up this awesome series makes you, well, awesome!
as John Mclain once said, “Welcome to the party pal.” 😉
This is special stuff.
Was Klein always scheduled to do the art. I thought it was someone else. Anyways, good to see Jane Foster making her appearance. That makes me excited and I have lots of faith in Jason Aaron. Hopefully he continues to impress.
Klein is on for this issue and then Ron Garney is taking over art duties on the following issue (and arc, however long that may be).
Garney. That was it. Thanks. BTW I read Batgirl and it was great. Went and bought a few back issues. Good lookin out on the review.
You’re welcome my friend. =)
Wow, love the perspective on that cover!
Same here, crazily immersive!
I wasn’t prepared for another one so soon… This was yet again a fantastic issue imho. The artist changes didn’t really bother me at all and I didn’t even think about it on the first read through. This issue confirms to me that we’ve got such an epic Thor run going on right now of which we’ve never seen the likes of since Simonson. I couldn’t be happier.
wonderful. POTW!
This has been one of the best iterations of Thor since he debuted. I hope Jason Aaron can keep it up. Every issue has been a must have!
Wow, I didn’t expect this issue to be my potw, but Jason Aaron did it again! It’s just not fair to other comics how good this is.
Amazing, touching, tragic and heartwarming. I never expected that this issue would have so much to say about Thor. Jason Aaron you are one magnificent bastard.
For a second there, I really thought we were going to see Post Cloital Thor.
This was great! I’m not sure why I was bracing myself for disappointment, but I was. I should’ve just had faith. Aaron’s Thor is the new standard by which all other Thors should be judged!
Aaron proves that he can write a more nuanced and touching story in contrast to the previous Godbomb epic. Klein had some big shoes to fill after Ribic, but most of what he did here worked. Thor’s face did look a bit odd when he was at Jane Foster’s house though.
… sold out … ;-(
gotta go try another LCS.