Comic Books


Ezekiel has a tiger.

Story by Robert Kirkman
Art by Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn
Cover by Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Can’t wait! The past several issues have truly opened up the world of The Walking Dead: we have Alexandria, Hilltop, and Negan’s fortress. It feels as if we have sent enough time caged, and Kirkman is set to remind us there is still an entire world out there. Ezekiel looks like he is going to be pretty kick-ass…he does have a tiger (possibly).

    • I agree. For every lack luster moment leading to 100, or the obligatory death for a charcter in 100, this has really picked up and as you said opened up. And who can not the look of this new guy? Is he from Hilltop? Or maybe a different settlement all together? I hope so, adding more cool characters and locations is a good idea, and can lead to some interesting conflicts that could be different from the usual all out battle. I like the idea of taking down Negan fromt he inside, maybe getting Dwight half face in on it. lest not forgot Funk Master Ezekiel and what he brings to the table. Give up the Funk Kirkman!!!

  2. This issue was … weird. All the kingdom talk and half-proper English didn’t really jive with me. Still things are really starting to amp up, and it looks like all those whiners complaining about how similar this is to the Governor story couldn’t have been more wrong. I’m really looking forward to seeing the fight brought to Negan.

    And I’ll tell ya what did jive with me:

    “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go ping pong my dick all over these titties. Catch ya later Dwight.”

    Classic. Negan’s Line of the Month. I’m really gonna miss that twisted son of a bitch.

  3. I’ll give this another arc or so, but if I ultimately drop Walking Dead, I think this issue will be the moment I look back on where the series went off the track. I’ve loved the whole series so far but I hate this Kingdom stuff, even as a meta joke or whatever.

  4. I was underwhelmed but not discouraged. I read every thing through #102 as TPB so now digesting them one at a time is a long month for me. This one is definitely getting some pieces put in place, but #109 looks like it will halt a lot of that build up as it is possibly a Hilltop/Maggie/Sophia feature. May have to wait until May to get anywhere…

  5. Flipped through this in the store- Ezekiel, a pet tiger,the kingdom, Negan, Kirkmans weird cuckolding subplot. Yeah, still not safe to go back in the water.

  6. This issue doesn’t sit right. I didn’t really like it on its own, but maybe it’ll be interesting as we learn more about this Ezekiel fellow.

  7. The most interesting thing for me – at this late point in the title’s run – is waiting to find out more about what’s going on in the rest of the post-apocalyptic world (i.e. not the south). Like, finding out if the zombie plague has downed every nation on Earth or just America… or finding out if there are merely small pockets of humanity, or if whole states or governmental groups have been shielded… or if someone is developing a cure to the zombie plague… stuff like that. A little macro mixed in with all this micro. I’m pretty tired of the repetition of stories we’ve been getting for so long; I feel like I’ve spent the past 10 years in one tiny part of the south, watching Rick’s group simply squabble with each other or with patches of crazy they happen to find within any given five mile radius, and never hearing any word from people who may have traveled from afar and could tell our main characters of what’s beyond their very small and myopic world. I mean, we’ve seen the pattern enough: our heroes stumble upon another group / other group is either outwardly evil or just subtly dangerous / Rick makes a choice that pretty much puts us back at square one. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

    I know that Robert Kirkman really wants this book to last a long time, so I get why he’s doling out details of his world so slowly, if at all. Part of it is that he wants to make the suspense last as long as possible. It’s like “Lost,” when that show did such an amazing job in building up the mystery of the island – and then when they revealed what the island was about (well, for the most part) I guess the show lost some of its magic. Also, I think Kirkman is still trying to explore the nuances of what people do when formal society vanishes – to the point where he may feel that the particulars of the zombie plague and the state of the rest of the world are irrelevant to the general story he wants to tell.

    But there has to be some kind of middle-ground here; some way for Kirkman to give us readers a new type of story within the Walking Dead journey, or a storybeat so totally out of left field that it makes us re-interpret the past or the predicted future, whether we’re proved right or wrong. Just something… different. He’d even be able to go back to his familiar story set-up, these ideas are not mutually exclusive. But then again, I suppose he doesn’t need to worry about trying new things, not when he’s so successful in holding the course.

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