Comic Books


In “The Unwritten Fables” part 2 of 5, Tom Taylor steps into the role of warrior and protector in a war between storybook characters.

His first mission: save the Big Bad Wolf. But a job like that might need two Tom Taylors…

Story by Mike Carey & Bill WIlingham
Art by Peter Gross, Mark Buckingham, & Russ Braun
Colors by Chris Chuckry & Lee Loughridge
Letters by Todd Klein
Cover by Yuko Shimizu

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. Still mixed on this sort’ve crossover, but I shall persist!

    • Yeah I’m in the same boat, but I still believe Carey & Co. can right the ship and make this work. Fingers crossed 🙂

    • I’m with you guys. I’m holding out that it gets better. If not, we only have…*sigh* three more months until things get back on track.

  2. Does Todd Klein CAPitaLIZE RANdom WORDS in FAbles, too? Because in these last two issues it’s actually very distracting and hurting the script, which isn’t on real solid ground anyway. Go away, Fables!

    • I meant BOLD RANdom WORDS, but whatever… I just can’t get over how dumb it makes the whole issue look. Like a middle schooler thought, “This is a GREAT idea!” and just went through bolding and italicizing words because he felt like it. Sigh.

  3. I really wish my issues of The Unwritten would stop being issues of Fables.

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