Comic Books

> > 12-of-12
THE TWELVE #12 (OF 12)

• The Grand Finale Is Here!!

• All Your Questions Are Answered And Nothing Can Prepare You For What’s Next…!

Story by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Chris Weston
Colors by Chris Chuckry
Letters by Jimmy Betancourt
Cover by Paolo Rivera

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


  1. Wow, JMS finally finished something he started! What’s next? Don’t really care. I’m swearing off JMS for a good long while. One might say he’s been “Grounded”.

    • Yeah, I’m finishing this book off but it will be a long time before I try anything new by JMS. And he’s written some stuff I loved (especially Squadron Supreme/Supreme Power, another book he abandoned).

  2. This book has been one of the best series I’ve ever read. Am so happy we finally will have all the issues published. Let’s be happy!

    And what will happen? The plot wrapped up last issue, so I look forward to seeing a quiet issue with perhaps hints of where these heroes will go next…here’s to “Another 12”! I’m guessing Phantom Reporter gets lucky. But what about the other characters? Or will this just be about PR and GothSpiderWoman? What about Blue Blade? Any chance he’s still “alive” inside the robot?

    Would love to see a Witness mini.

    • I am happy, I liked this series a couple of years ago when it was fresh, and I’ll finish reading the rest shortly,
      Please don’t confuse my supreme distaste for JMS after the past few years of horrible fuckups as me knocking this series. I’m glad it finally got finished, but if JMS says he’s going to branch out and do more, I won’t invest any money in single issues only to get dropped in the middle of it.
      Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice shame on me.

  3. Is this worth buying in collected edition?

    I don’t care about whether it shipped late.

    Was it really good?

    • I think it’s worth a read in a collection, I don’t think the writing dropped off as much as say Rising Stars. I would say this is close to the same quality as Midnight Nation in JMS terms. I’m assuming your reading it for him?

    • Cool. I will definitely check this out. Yeah, I read by writer. Thanks.

  4. One of the best books I have ever read. All 13 issues have been a blast. Chris Weston’s art has been amazing. Absolutely outstanding from start to finish.

  5. Solid ending to the book…but I want to complain a little. As Phantom Reporter said, “then I wouldn’t be the guy you fell in love with…”. Hey PR, I feel the same way about you. So now PR is a full-fledged fire-wielding superhero vigilante? Isn’t his writing and journalism the core of who he is? A city beat type reporter who loves and respects the people of the city and seeks to shed light on shady practices and root out corruption? The transformation rang hollow for me. He’s smarter than this.

    On the other hand, thought the Laughing Mask / Electro bit was perfect. Also enjoyed hearing the origin of smart dude.

    Bye 12, I’ll miss ya!

  6. I thought this was a fine ending to a very good series. I did have a few parting thoughts:

    1. Master Mind Excello – what’s with the eyebrows? Surely those can’t be natural, but it showed him with them before he became a super-hero. Odd. Also, his real name was Earl – how plain for someone of such high birth.
    2. Black Widow looked really hot dressed in normal clothes. I too would put up with all the “dark master” hoodoo if she dressed more normal. Still, she must really be a creeper to run off a barracks of lady soldiers.
    3. Did Rockman have a happy ending or not? Those voices coming from underground made me think twice.

  7. wow i haven’t read comics in 2 years and i was reading issue 6 of this back then…

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