Comic Books
• The All-Now Supereir Spider-Man battles All-New Sinister Six!
• PLUS: Spider-Man and Mary Jane…REUNITED!
• PLUS: Slott and Stegman… REUNITED!
Story by Dan SlottArt by Ryan Stegman
Cover by Ryan Stegman & Ed McGuinness
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
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cubman987 | 01/31/13 | Yes | Read Review |
CaptainJackHarkness4 | 01/30/13 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.1
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Still loving this book, feels just like a continuation of Amazing.
Yes but I hope that Peter comes back in 2013 or I’ll lose interest real quick. I love Spider-Man, I truly do and yes, the spin right now with Doc Ock is good story-telling, just not good enough to warant 12 issues of him in Peter’s meat suit…
I agree and I’m it will happen eventually because if you think about it with the double shipping 12 issue can happen in 6 months so It could easily go that long without any change back
Agreed, and you have spider-man 2099 coming back soon. I’m pretty sure he will get peter back into his own body and then Miguel will take up the mantle of superior.
@Kingjoeg- Source? I haven’t heard about 2099 coming back. rumors? link?
I don’t thnk they are actually brining back Spider-man 2099 as a title (but maybe?), but Dan Slott did say that Miguel O’hara is going to be back soon:
ISSUE #7 – “Troubled Mind” Part 1
• An Avenger no more?
• With the public at large realizing this is no longer a “Friendly Neighborhood” Spider-Man, and in light of his actions in recent events, will the Avengers kick Spidey off the team? Plus the return of Cardiac!
• And a new development for a Spider-Man who hasn’t been seen for some time. And by time, we mean centuries.
• The lead up to the Spider-Event of the Summer STARTS HERE!
Says it in the solicitation about a spider-man who hasn’t been seen for centuries. And in cubman987’s video link Dan Slott confirms it for you.
Oooh, I’m liking this whole Miguel talk. I didn’t know we were expecting him to show up.
Make some noise when he does and I’ll be buying Superior in a heartbeat.
I’m loving this story. There’s so much to tell. I could see this going on for years!
Enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would.
Not bad so far… I liked the daredevil #22 team up with the new Spidey (doc oc) but I have to agree, bring parker back or I’ll lose interest real quick.
I’m enjoying this “Freaky Friday” concept thus far; it puts the cover to this issue in a whole, new light!
I love this story a lot. Its funny and clever. I think that maybe by the end of the year we may see Peter coming back into a more prominent role and by next year see him in black and white text again.
I enjoyed ish #1.
I’ll be back for more.
This was another good issue. There are some very clever panels in this book that made me giggle. The first one after the “Guardians of the Galaxy” ad made me chuckle. Especially the heading on the panel. Pure Doc Ock. I know a lot of guys aren’t Slott fans, but I’ve enjoyed his Spider-Man and hope he continues to do what he’s doing. That said, if this goes on forever I will be frustrated to never see Peter back in his Spidey suit. I guess the question is how long can Slott drive Peter and all of us crazy?
This is great!
A brilliant issue. Peter is venting the fans frustrations on the page, and it makes for great reading. Slott gets the character like few others.
This was awful!
I was interested in the concept of Superior Spider-Man. It made me buy my first 616 Spider-Man since I dropped it after the awful Brand New Day debarcle. I loved the idea of moving Spider-Man forward – changing the status quo! But to bring Peter back after 1 issue is just unbelievable! The character of Peter standing over Otto and wingeing about his every action was just annoying! It was incredible irritating! Now I realise that Peter Parker would eventually return at some point after #600 but to keep him dead for 19 odd pages is just bollocks!
Kill Peter properly and let Otto fully embrace the Spider-Man! Make it interesting rather than just return to the norm!
I guess I’ll have to wait untill someone with reall balls starts writing Spider-Man. Dan Slott is just a puppet to the status quo.
Pete was a little too whiny in this one.
I’m done. No more Superior Spider-Man for me.
This issue has definitely restored some of my faith after issue #700. I enjoyed it.
Didn’t expect this to be so much fun!