Comic Books


Someone is killing the dead! Inspector Suttle’s investigation continues as he pursues the identity of the victim and attempts to determine the method of murder. But he must work circumspectly, because the answers he is seeking are literally matters of life and death, and they will rock the very cornerstones of Deadwardian Society.

Written by Dan Abnett
Pencilled by Ian Culbard
Inked by Ian Culbard
Colored by Patricia Mulvihill
Cover by Ian Culbard

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.2%
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. I really liked this first issue. I actually thought this was the best of the new Veritgo, and I’m a huge Cornell and Kelly fan.

    • It really has a kind of subtle charm to it…I read it…then a day or so later I thought to myself…”Self, New Deadwardians was pretty awesome” So I re-read it just to confirm.

  2. Dan Abnett and Ian Culbard has taken over saturated themes, Zombies and Vampires, and put a certain well-groomed spin on them. For me, a large part of that freshness lies in the environment that the story takes place, the Edwardian Era (Great Britain, 1901-10).

    Love the look and feel of this title. Probably the book I’m most excited for this week!

  3. I love Ian Culbard’s art on this book. It fits the script perfectly and really helps create a unique feel to a book that could have easily faded into the already saturated zombie genre.

  4. I have more or less the same praise as those of you above me. First issue was a joy.

  5. Well the second issue was even better….POTW for me!

  6. Love this series the art, story, characters, everything is there right up there with saga for me!

  7. Great series so far. Really wish there was a regular series that had a murder mystery premise. Something like Castle, The Glades, NCIS, etc.

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