Comic Books
• Hope Summers journeys to the magical city of K’un L’un, home of the Iron Fist, to uncover her destiny!
• But will she conquer her future…or be consumed by it?
Story by Brian Michael BendisArt by Mike Deodato
Colors by Rain Beredo
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Mike Deodato & Rain Beredo
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%
Avg Rating: 3.6
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This has been my favorite side story for AvX. I now want Iron Fist to have his own stand alone.
He had a very good series a couple of years back. Marvel Zombies don’t seem to support books outside of Avengers/Spider-Man/X-Men/Wolverine. Sadly.
@Elwapo, me too. I was only reading this because of the Deodato art, but this has turned to out to be really enjoyable. Iron Fist was a character that I hardly cared about and now I’m much more intrigued about the character.
Totally agree with you. I have really enjoyed the focus being on Iron Fist for a change. If he had his own book I’d be all over it.
I have not been digging the Phoenix/K’un – L’un connection. But I’m board as long as Deodato is.
The last panel of the last page was great. Loved Hope’s last few word balloons.
This has been a very good tie in. Surprised not getting more love.
There is some beautiful Deodato art in this issue. Also, Bendis does a really good job of writing Hope’s dialogue.
Does anyone know what Fongji says in the word bubble with the tiny writing? I hate it when they do that.
Great dialogue, BEATUIFUL artwork.