Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 10.7%
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. Now that is an amazing cover, that coloring is outstanding

  2. Something about that cover rubs me the wrong way. I loved issue #1, but found #2 be a little lacking, still good, but not quite as good. It’s hard for me to reconcile this with Brubaker’s writing on Cap Reborn (which I’m loathing, sadly.)


  4. no way, namor’s the supporting character guy

  5. Looking forward to this mainly for Namor kicking some surface dweller ass. 

  6. @RoiVampire & PraxJarvin
    I think I agree with you both. I think it’s a well drawn cover and a well colored cover, but I don’t know if I think the two mix perfectly together. But, the more I look at it, the more I go back and forth, so I dunno.

    … F it, I like the cover a lot.  It seriously looks 3D. Either way, I’ve been loving this series thus far.

  7. Avatar photo PymSlap (@alaska_nebraska) says:

    The man obviously loves his ferret.

  8. I want less Human Torch/Namor stuff and more Fury/Cap stuff.

  9. I can’t understand why it isn’t more popular. The first issue was Ok, but the second looked like Marvel’s New Frontier. Brilliant series. It is also Steve Epting’s best work.

  10. Oh just read this issue. Art was fantastic, but i think I am sick of narrative boxes now.

  11. I was about to drop this but I’m all in after this ish

  12. I thought this was fantastic.  The art was great, and I loved the nod the Namor/Torch battle.  I’m really enjoying this series.  Happy Birthday Marvel indeed.

  13. I like series in general, but this issue was pretty dull to me.  Still love the artwork, great cover.

  14. @ProjectX2
    We get Fury/Cap often enough as it is and they’re surely coming soon to this. This is Namor/Torch’s time in the spotlight. Patience can only benefit in reading this wonderful story.

  15. Epting and Stewart are killing on this.  Not to slight Brubaker; the story’s solid, but it’s the art that makes it.

  16. I agree with OhCaroline, the art is leagues ahead of the writing. I don’t know, something about this book doesn’t feel as fun as DC’s New Frontier or the Justice Society Returns. It feels noir, but it’s not noir. It feels like revisionist history, but it’s fairly accurate. I can’t place a finger on it. 4/5 for me. 

  17. @Fvckstick

    Why not go old *and* new by having an "Marvel Comics" title with both Original Human Torch and Namor co-feautures?

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