Comic Books


• Shocking Conclusion To The Epic H.A.M.M.E.R./Norman Osborn Storyline!

• Which Avengers Will Take Their Relationship To The Next Level?

• Will Norman Osborn’s Dream Come True?

• The Summer Of The Avengers Starts Here!

Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Daniel Acuña
Cover by Daniel Acuña

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. “Shocking” conclusion, huh? “Epic” I think I’d describe it more as “Alright.”

  2. This should be good, I got re-hooked on this last issue and really can’t wait to see what the Avengers are going to do about Osborn he really seems to have them by the short and curlies.
    I will however say; this has been a bad title for sometime now and right now I know the last five to six issues the artwork has been unattractive as well. I am waiting for this to become Marvel’s flagship title as it should be however; it looks like that will not be happening maybe the new Avengers title will be the one??


  3. I jumped off when I heard Norman was coming back… if this storyline is wrapping up now, then maybe I can pick up Avengers again.

  4. Still subscribing, about two years behind reading these.

    Got a nice big pile set aside for April.

  5. Wow… that’s it? Not to reveal any spoilers… but will say this… you know those stories about rednecks putting a race car engine on a lawn-mower… Well, apparently Norman haven’t… thought he was suppose to be a genius…

  6. I liked the concept initially with AIM, HYDRA AND H.A.M.M.E.R banding together but; I knew thatwould never last one way or another. Norman is a boring villian, sick of seeing him so I am glad this story arc is over. Hail Hydra!! Cap looks so run down I think he needs a vacation. All in all still a good issue and it looks like it will keep me around for awhile even though I thought the premier of Avengers Assemble was pretty damn good.

  7. Very predictable. I think I am going to make a Bendis/Avengers drinking game to add some excitement.

  8. Please tell me that other people laughed at the way that the Avengers defeated Osborn.

    The only saving grace for this issue was the art. Acuna is quite great at cartooning.

  9. Not the endgame i was expecting. Bendis usually has a great hold on Norman but this fell flat. Luckily the art was awesome and he wrote the Avengers well. Stark’s line floored me. “I’m so smart and you people never listen to me.”

    • I use that line on my family all the time.

      And do they listen?

      … nope …


      Agreed that the art rocked and the ending was not all that spectacular.

  10. Avatar photo filippod (@filippodee) says:

    I’ll just join the chorus: grat art, story fell flat. I appreciated the humor in this story arc but the conclusion was not funny, it was just silly.

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