Comic Books
Story by Brian Michael BendisArt by Renato Guedes
Cover by Daniel Acuña
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
mgriffith | 01/23/12 | Yes | Read Review |
ResurrectionFlan | 01/20/12 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 2.9
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Bendis is kind of like George Lucas when it comes to the Avengers. The new shit he pumps out makes you forget how good the book was to begin with
Yeah, I used to like what he was doing, but it’s gotten so tedious. It’s like he’s running down a checklist of things that do NOT make me want to jump back on his books. “Norman Osborne returning for multiple issues with more Dark Avengers!” Yeah, that’s the last thing I want. “Now Storm is an Avenger!” Enough with the gimmicks already, Bendis. Why don’t you make Deadpool an Avenger while you’re at it.
P.S. Acuna is an awesome artist, though. (Just thought I’d throw in a positive!)
Except this issue wasn’t drawn by Acuna.
Bendis has made Avengers relavent (did I spell that right?)again. Besides what’s wrong with Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers
There was literally 18 months of that story across several different books
Picking this up just because of Storm. In the preview, it said she was already a member, but I thought this was the issue where she joined. Can anyone clarify?
She actually joined two issues ago in issue #19
Oy, misterckent, I hope Storm isn’t the only reason you’re picking THIS issue up – as you can see after reading it, this wasn’t her finest hour. LOL
no bendis cant this book has gotten ridiculous
Worst issue I read this week.
So not worth $3.99
Luckily I get mine at a steep discount. Marvel has a lot of ball$ charging $3.99 for 22 page comics, even quality comics.
I think I am all done with the Avengers for now. This story is just not doing it for me. I might come back after the Osborn arc is over but right now I just have no time for comics that aren’t fun to read.
Is it me or is every issue of this and new avengers just the avengers getting the crap beat out of them repeatedly. It used to be there could be a good fight without the whole team getting easily defeated (I mean they are able to do it in other books). I know it’s boring i they are world beaters all the time but this is ridiculous and makes in unbelievable.
What a bullshit cover.
Storm wasn’t even CONSCIOUS in this issue.
It is a heck of a tease, but I can forgive it, since the art on the cover is so good. Best cover of the week, IMO.
I decided to drop all non-secret avengers titles last month- these comments indicate I chose wisely. I have slowly dropped most if he core 3.99 titles at this point (except uncanny x-force).
I may give avengers another look when bendis is done. Enjoyed his start, but the ending wire me out. Look for the hood to be returning before this is all said and done (ugh)
It’s amusing to see how decompressed Bendis can actually get in these Avengers books. Anymore so and they will be floating off the shelves…
Atmospheric Avengers….
Lol – this issue is a good example of that, but I found it exciting, nonetheless.
Does Noh Varr or Marvel Boy or The Protector really have to identify himself in every book? In every Avengers book he’s been written in, he only says his name and then immediately walks off panel.