Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Timmy Wood05/01/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. Is this delayed or something cant remember when the last issue came out!

  2. Yep, delayed.  The last one came out March 5th.

  3. This is hands down my favorite DC book right now. It’s frankly the only DC book that I can’t wait to read. I think it’s a great combination of art and story…I’d LOVE to see this story animated with this exact art style.

  4. Wow long delay i hadnt heard anything about a delay though. No one seemed to be mentioning it!

  5. Delays or no, I really wish that this was the ongoing Teen Titans book.

  6. this book is a blast to read. 

  7. this book is a real thronerto read

  8. *throner to

  9. Did anyone else notice the number of ads in this issue?  I’m used to advertisements as a price of picking issues up monthly vs. trade, but in this issue it seemed like almost ever left-hand page was an ad.  It was enough to pull me out of the story.

  10. i love the artwork for this. and i love the storyline. only thing is i hate how sick aqualad looks all the time. i love how wondergirl falls in love with every boy. but the focus is too much on Robin which is ok but it could be 2 much sometimes

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