Comic Books

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SWEETS #1 (OF 5)

A spree killer terrorizes New Orleans days before Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Detective Curt Delatte just buried his only daughter, and he’s in no condition to work. But when the bodies pile up, he masks his grief and joins the hunt through the bowels of the Big Easy. It won’t be long until his city–and his evidence gets washed away.

CHAMBERLAIN, a native of southern Louisiana, makes his writing debut with this dark and gritty miniseries.

story, art & cover KODY CHAMBERLAIN

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


odare7707/17/10YesRead Review


  1. Looking forward to this.

  2. I don’t know if this title is really my cup o’ tea, but I’m going to give Chamberlain a shot anyway.

  3. That cover is gorgeous, if the rest of the book is that good I think we’ll have a winner

  4. @incredibledave I completely agree about that cover, WOW.

    Totally fascinated with New Orleans, can’t wait to go back.  A murder mystery set in NOLA?  I’m there.

  5. I thought this would be getting more attention. It’s had quite a bit of press.

  6. Any Image #1 is worth your time.

  7. Looking forward to this as well.



  8. I’m having a hard time trusting the guy who co-created Pretty Baby Machine to finish another comic that sounds like a movie pitch.

  9. Pretty Baby Machine not getting finished was ridiculous. It was a goddamn three issue mini!

  10. OGNs have it all done at one time so PBM was told in full.

  11. @MrBeebs37: PBM was left unfinished due to behind-the-scenes politics at the book’s Publisher that had nothing to do with Kody. Unfortunate, but it happens.

    As Kody’s studiomate, I’ll vouch for him. Give it a shot!

  12. I gave in and thus far, it’s been worth the gamble. Fingers crossed.

  13. I understand that some of you read Rich Johnston’s rumor column a few years ago about what happened with PBM and you took it as fact. The truth is that I was NOT getting paid on PBM, it was supposed to be a back-end deal based on the books profits. I was paid to do the covers, but I got little to no money on pages being drawn. The book sold very poorly, and at some point I realized there were probably no profits coming my way. And no, I didn’t get any movie option money, the writer is the owner of the property, not me. Any movie money goes to him.

     My wife was seriously ill for about 5 months with what doctors think may have been a first episode of MS. She couldn’t work and I had to slow down a whole lot on PBM to take on some paying work with other publishers. Life priorities took over comic book priorities and I knew that decision would cause some grief. And it did. Eventually we were far enough behind on PBM that the book was canceled. 

    So yes, the cancelation is my fault because I took major amounts of time away from PBM to do some paid jobs, but my decision had absolutely nothing to do with any film pitch or film option cash. My decision was based on my family and our welfare.

     I have no beef with Rich because he CLEARLY marked his rumor column as "rumor," and he often speculates about what’s going on, but he often jumps to conclusions based on limited info. Please use more caution when you read something like that, and you’d probably be better served to avoid insulting creators and/or their work based on rumors you’ve read on someone’s website. 

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