Comic Books


• SUPERMAN’S new foe – the one that can’t be touched – has found a way hurt both The Man of Steel AND Clark Kent!

Written by Keith Giffen & Dan Jurgens
Art by Dan Jurgens & Jesús Merino
Cover by Ivan Reis & Eber Ferreira

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


dix06/27/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. They need to do something drastic with this book.

  2. Big disappointment. Good art, but the writing so far has been clunkier than my old Ford.

  3. Avatar photo consafo80 (@consafo80) says:

    Don’t think I can be arsed with superman changing creative teams every arc.

  4. Yep. If this were a lesser character this book would have been on DC’s chopping block. This issue was about as average as it gets.

  5. I love Superman and it breaks my heart that out of the 10 issues none of them deserved more than a 3/5 (personal rating)

  6. Avatar photo consafo80 (@consafo80) says:

    I need to drop some books and Superman is one of the ones that’s gone. I now get no superbooks

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