It’s Vader versus the most dangerous inmates the Ghost Prison has to offer, and Cadet Tohm witnesses the Dark Lord at his fiercest—and most merciless.

The lesson is not lost on the young man, and Tohm follows Vader’s lead, finding strength—and darkness—he never knew he possessed. He is well on his way to becoming the kind of officer for which the Empire will become known. But the biggest test still lies ahead—retaking the Imperial Palace from the insurgents. Today a fight . . . tomorrow a war!

Writer: Haden Blackman
Artist: Agustin Alessio
Cover Artist: Dave Wilkins

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.4%


  1. Unleash the Sith!

  2. this is going to be awesome! can’t wait to see who’s down there. new faces? familiar faces?

  3. My store was out…How was the issue?

  4. DUDE this was awesome, best book of the week for sure. I love how it really makes you see a different side of the Jedi order, really made me question whether the Jedi were the good guy or we merely thought they were. I’m very curious to see what Tohm ends up doing and who he ends up following. Only thing that makes me sad is that the next issue is the last one for this mini-series….

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