Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


thebarron03/19/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. X-Men Noir ended well…here’s hoping this one does as well.

  2. SM noir is amazing. Don’t even mention it in the same sentence as XMen noir =P

  3. this has been amazing. i love it so much.

  4. X-Men Noir seemed like a major flop to me. This one has been really good. 

  5. This one has been more consistently awesome, so I am expecting a strong ending.  This really has been the best Spider-Man book I have read in YEARS.

  6. Really liked this take on Spidey as well.  Neat view on the character.  I love Aunt May as a rabble rouser and Black Cat’s profession as well. 

    I just wish that it was in black and white (nothing wrong with the color, it just would have followed the noir feel)

  7. I really dug the darkness to the beginning of the book, how peter shot vulture, but not killing goblin kinda took me back out of the gritty feel that the book has had up until this point.

  8. That was a pretty badass Spider-Man kicking ass and taking names.

  9. i smell a sequel

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