Comic Books

> > 4-of-9

“Insanely original.” – AIN’T IT COOL NEWS

“Exceedingly impressive. Bleak…creepy.” – io9

“A snowball of excitement and tragedy all rolled into one great comic.” – IGN

“If someone were to review the new Vertigo Comics series SPACEMAN in the future when the book is set, it might go something like this: ‘Oh em gee. Vertigo duz it agin. Awsum.'” – USA TODAY/Comic Hub

“A richly realized creative world. . . an immediately engaging central character. . . strong, confident story-telling.” – ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY/Shelf Life

“SPACEMAN #1 is obviously a ‘must buy.’ Azzarello’s playful¬ness with language is taken to a whole new level here. Rating 4.5/5 stars.” – COMIC BOOK RESOURCES

On the run and running out of time, Orson’s life can’t get any worse – until a bounty hunter gets on his tail. Trouble is, this ain’t no ordinary detective. He’s a spaceman, too. Don’t miss the series that H.G. Wells calls “the comic I wish I was alive to read!”


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


FreezerBurn02/29/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. Finally…did this skip a month?

    • I think there was some kind of delay…but it’s hard to tell these days. With all the books that double ship, my sense of “monthly” is getting a bit skewed.

    • Seems like they’re doing 3 issues, then skip a month and then another 3 issues. I missed it in May’s solicitations, which supports this theory. As long as the awesomeness continues they can skip a month here or there no probs.

    • 9 issues in 12 months, 3 a quarter….works for me for the solid consistency.

  2. Cool! Another suprise for this week!! This will be a very good comic book week, lots of great comics are out. This has been one heck of a good series and it really is something different.


  3. Love that cover.

  4. This is a very interesting series. I can’t wait to read more.

  5. to be honest the cover is better then the content im still waiting for this to get better! dont get me wrong its a ok book so far… the future speak aside (id like it a lot more if that was left out) it is a intrested story but im getting close to dropping so we will see how it pans out over the next issues..

  6. what a strange tale. it continues to hold my attention for ransom.

  7. Trivia time…

    Who is the person on the cover?

  8. Well, I think I was confussed pretty much for the first time thru this series, I could not tell heads or tales here. I don’t know if I was to tired when I read it or what, it just lost me. Can someone please re-cap me on what we are really reading here, i really am lost and the first three issues seemed pretty easy to understand and now I am lost.


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