Comic Books

> > 3-of-9

The space-spanning adventure from the creative team behind 100 BULLETS rolls on as our hero, Orson, drowns in a sea of star pirates, dirty drugs and his own intergalactic failures. Can he keep his head above water long enough to do the right thing?


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Also. also one of the best of late 2011!!


  2. My favourite book at the moment. I always read it 2 or 3 times to get the most out of it. I’m getting used to the future-speak now, so it will be all the more enjoyable. Almost sure this will be my potw.

  3. Haven’t been feeling this, so this is the chopping block issue.

  4. I am really loving this book. I have a weird love of terrible made-up future slang, so this is perfect for me.

  5. You know, Mars is no place to raise your kids

  6. get your ass to mars

  7. Are the rash of low scores due to people STILL bitching about the language or is there something wrong with this issue in another sense?

  8. This was awesome. So glad I read the review on this site a couple weeks ago or probably never would have given it a chance or heard of it for that matter.

  9. I’m glad I stuck with this. I was a little confused the first issue, less so with #2, but this issue was just fine. Although some of the future-speak is odd, it all makes sense and the story is progressing well. The artwork is wonderful, and I’m intrigued by Orson and the rest of the cast so far. I’ll definitely be picking up the rest of the series.

  10. I wasn’t overtly impressed by the first issue. I’ve definitely seen a lot better outta Risso in the past. I dropped this one.

  11. I love the art, and anyone upset with the language should go back and read “a clockwork orange” again.

  12. this book flows nicely. love the space lingo

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