Comic Books
• The Avengers have devised a way to save the Kree homeworld from the Phoenix, but one man stands in their way – Captain Marvel!
• Can Ms. Marvel and The Protector break free of Minister Marvel’s influence to aid their former companions?
• When all else fails, one Avenger must rise and make the ultimate sacrifice…but will his death be enough?
Story by Rick RemenderArt by Renato Guedes
Colors by Matthew Wilson & Jeremy Mohler
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Cover by Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, Laura Martin, & Dale Keown
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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MattD | 06/22/12 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.2
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I was only buying this comic for the way Hardman drew Beast’s fur.
i hope this will be the last AvX tie-in.
It is actually for solicits I’ve seen and thank god, the AVX tie ins have made this series go from good to very mediocre fast
@Neeks: Agreed. Looking forward to the next arc being better.
Final issue for me. Remender’s issues have been dull as dishwater. Guedes isn’t a good fit either. If it wasn’t for Deodato, I’d no longer be collecting any Avengers series.
same here, only reason i am sticking around is because rememder said it is important for carol becoming captain marvel. Im done after this,.
Yeah this book is on the fence for me. The first arc was boring and I like the AVX arc a little more, but next issue will be a instore decision, will look at it and then decided. I have been really disapointed by this series in whole. After Brubaker left, this series went down hill fast. Ellis’ storied bored me, I know I’m in the minority on that. And Remender was not been good either. So I guess I just came to my decision, I am done with it.
Glad the AvX is out the way, will stick around for the next arc before making any long term decisions.
I wonder how long the “secret” title will last? Seems like Marvel milked “West Coast’ long past prime, and I get the idea “Secret Defenders” was hit or miss.
Great issue. No one -including Captain America- has made a more valid point against Cyclops than the one Ms. Marvel makes here. When seen from that perspective, Summers is a crazy dude. Loved seeing Binary again, and I hope we get to see her again in the new Captain Marvel series. Too bad Valkirye didn’t get to do anything.
Please check my mini-review here:
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