Comic Books


Officer Falls Down endures a bizarre captivity at the hands of the mysterious Catcher while inmate Lawrence Belcourt finally gets a face-to-face meeting with Chief Red Crow.

Written by JASON AARON
Art by R.M. GUERA
Cover by JOCK

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.9%
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. Has Jason Aaron given any indication as to how many issues this series will run for?

  2. I’m sure Vertigo will let HIM know.  If he can keep up the work he’s doing then maybe he can give Hellblazer a run got the money.

  3. @skydog  – That would be pretty sweet.  Although Milligan’s doing a bang up job right now.  I remembered a little later this vague recollection of reading something saying The Gnawing arc was the approximate halfway point which would put the tally at 60-70 issues.  And I know Aaron’s last contract with Vertigo was through #48.  They already have solicits out for #49 so I’m guessing he will get a chance to finish it.  

  4. it’s because they are aware i would burn their building down if they cancelled this book.

  5. Current iFanboy rating: 5.7 out of 5.   I haven’t even read my comics this week and I know this is an accurate reflection. Excited!

  6. Outstanding issue. Really excellent.

  7. Awesome issue. PotW

  8. Amazing. My PotW too.

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