Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
Avg Rating: 3.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Er, no.

  2. that’s a pretty good likeness of Obama.  Maybe my republican parents will rethink their voting decision when I show them Savage Dragon’s endorsing him. 

  3. So I heard that this is an incentive cover.  Anybody have any clues on how rare this is?  I wouldn’t mind getting this, but if I gotta spend $20 I’d rather just give it right to Obama himself.

  4. Out of all the comics in the world….and Obama is in on this one? I’m sure it wasnt completely his choice and maybe Image just wanted to show their stance on the election. But for a book that very seldom gets mentioned anymore…I’m shocked someone is actually mentioning this series.

  5. and I should give a shit why?

  6. Am I the only one to think the Obama cover is kind of shameless?

  7. Isn’t the Savage Dragon from Chicago? With that connection the Obama stuff makes more sense and seems kind of neat. Next the X-Men are going to address whether San Franciso should be a "sanctuary city" for mutants who are illegal aliens as well. Or interstellar aliens.

  8. @TomO – I read it’s a 1:5 variant so.. not that rare.

  9. cmon man is this really neccesary? and i mean if youre going to endorse yourself on a comic book wouldnt there be some better choices out there? why savage dragon? but in all seriousness should this really be on a comic book? since when did comics become ad posters for politicians

    dont ppl read comics for the fantasy worlds? as in to get away from the real world for like the 5-10mins it takes them to read a comic?


  10. @flapjaxx- that’s a great point, it makes the connection a lot less contrived.  

  11. @ noro26, thank you. I don’t want politicians from any side on the cover of my comics.

  12. Seeing as this got ten more pulls than usual based on the cover, I guess it worked well enough for Larsen. I was disappointed because I couldn’t get to the LCS until this weekend, which was evidently too late to pick up a copy. Guess I’ll have to wait until the second printing. Oh yeah, and noro26, way to lay a potshot at the quality of the title. SD is hands down one of the best super hero titles on the stands, even if it can’t get out on a monthly schedule.

  13. Another reason not to buy this book!!!

  14. I get that the writer wants to endorse his favorite candidate, but I like comics to give me a break from all this political stuff right now.  That’s why I’m hesitant to but DC: Decisions coming up, I don’t like using characters to promote a political agenda.  But this is a creator owned book, so he has a right to do what he wants with his art, and I have a right to not buy it.

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