Comic Books


Dana and her father are in a race to save Ibrahaim from trigger happy retired militiaman. Em gets her hands dirty. Poor Tommy the Torso.

Story by Tim Seeley
Art by Mike Norton
Cover by Jenny Frison

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.7%
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. I was really considering dropping this title. Trying to follow all the plotlines the last few months became more work than fun. But this issue reminded me of what I liked about the series to start with. My frontrunner so far for POTW.

    • I haven’t finished this issue yet but I was kind of put off by the big speech he gives to the sister about how they are selling the organs. That was kind of a lame plot device and I thought that was already pretty clear at this point. Still pretty solid.

  2. Martha is far more interesting and fun to read about than Dana IMO. MOAR Em!!! BTW this cover is AWESOME.

  3. Avatar photo tripleneck (@tripleneck) says:

    Lotsa action in this issue. Kind of feels like it’s wrapping up a few of the plot lines even while a few new mysteries are popping up. And we still don’t know what the hell those “ghosts” are!

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