• RED HOOD learns that STARFIRE is one of the most respected and feared commanders in all of space! Who knew?

• Princess Koriand’r homeworld of TAMARAN is in danger – and she must defend a world that once turned its back on her!

• Plus: The start of a new backup story starring ESSENCE!

Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Kenneth Rocafort
Backup Art by Ario Anindito
Cover by Kenneth Rocafort

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. No Comments yet on RHATO? I’m surprised…this is actually one of my favorite books in the New 52. Can’t wait to see what these guys can do with Superman (which I dropped after issue 1.)

  2. Oh my god….She’s actually wearing clothes!

  3. Really enjoyed the main story, it was good to see Sarfire as the badass we know she can be. And the banter with Jason and Roy is still funny.
    The backup story however was a waste of time,

    @Wiski: Rocofort is the new artist on Superman,. It’s very rare to get an artist that can do 2 issues a month, so i’m pretty sure he’ll be leaving Red Hood.

  4. Have they said who is going to take over when this team heads to superman?

  5. I actually preferred the back up story to the main. The main story was incredibly cookie cutter this issue. Start at point A, employ overused plot device, end up at point B. Meanwhile, I’m really interested in this Essence character, and her story tied in with the thrust of the book up to this point.

  6. Avatar photo consafo80 (@consafo80) says:

    I was a bit worried when I found out this was getting a back up story as I think 20 pages is already too short but I quite liked the backup and I’m sure it’ll all tie in eventually.

  7. Now we are going to Outer Space? I wish this was just a Red Hood Solo book without the Outlaws. Probably going to end up dropping this one. Even though I love Jason…..on Earth.

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