Deep in the unknown territories of The Fault, the Imperial Guard and their reluctant allies the Starjammers fight for their lives – and glimpse the true cosmic horror growing in the heart of this deadly new territory! Can they get out alive with a warning for the rest of the Marvel Universe? This sounds like a job for…Gladiator!

WRITER: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
PENCILS: Kev Walker
COLORED BY: Jonathan Maberry
LETTERED BY: Roy Richardson
COVER BY: Brian Haberlin

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. Fun read for sure.

  2. Yup.  I’ve really enjoyed both this and the Inhumans arc and I am really stoked for Thanos Imperative.  I feel like Marvel is getting ready to give the Cosmic U another shake-up.  They’re putting Guardians and Nova on hiatus starting in June I think which makes me wonder what is coming down the line.


  3. @kmob181-The Hiatus start in april with Thanos Imperative: Ingnition #1. And the sells of the Thanos Imperative 6 issues mini will decide the fate of the cosmic books.

  4. isn’t that cover an exact cover of a Superman Returns poster?

  5. exact copy

  6. @rockingeek – Thanks.  I don’t read Nova or Guardians but I love the minis going back to annihilation.  I would be perfectly happy with the ROK and crossover format minis going forward.  They still haven’t really looked at the Skrulls (post-secret invasion), any of the cosmic powers other than Galactus (get me some living tribunal), the rest of the titans, and of course the celestials and eternals.

  7. @edward – probably is.  gladiator is a superman clone or at least he started out that way.  his name kallark is a combination of kal from kal-el and clark (from the kent).

  8. @Kmob181: that makes it ok than

  9. And Gladiator aint afraid of no kryptonite

  10. true…just bureaucracy

  11. Bureaucracy?

    sure, what not. bloody bureaucrats 

  12. Can’t wait for The Thanos Imperative.

    Ch’od and Gladiator fuckin’rule!!!!

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