Comic Books
Deep in the unknown territories of The Fault, the Imperial Guard and their reluctant allies the Starjammers fight for their lives – and glimpse the true cosmic horror growing in the heart of this deadly new territory! Can they get out alive with a warning for the rest of the Marvel Universe? This sounds like a job for…Gladiator!
WRITER: Dan Abnett & Andy LanningPENCILS: Kev Walker
COLORED BY: Jonathan Maberry
LETTERED BY: Roy Richardson
COVER BY: Brian Haberlin
Price: $3.99
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Fun read for sure.
Yup. I’ve really enjoyed both this and the Inhumans arc and I am really stoked for Thanos Imperative. I feel like Marvel is getting ready to give the Cosmic U another shake-up. They’re putting Guardians and Nova on hiatus starting in June I think which makes me wonder what is coming down the line.
@kmob181-The Hiatus start in april with Thanos Imperative: Ingnition #1. And the sells of the Thanos Imperative 6 issues mini will decide the fate of the cosmic books.
isn’t that cover an exact cover of a Superman Returns poster?
exact copy
@rockingeek – Thanks. I don’t read Nova or Guardians but I love the minis going back to annihilation. I would be perfectly happy with the ROK and crossover format minis going forward. They still haven’t really looked at the Skrulls (post-secret invasion), any of the cosmic powers other than Galactus (get me some living tribunal), the rest of the titans, and of course the celestials and eternals.
@edward – probably is. gladiator is a superman clone or at least he started out that way. his name kallark is a combination of kal from kal-el and clark (from the kent).
@Kmob181: that makes it ok than
And Gladiator aint afraid of no kryptonite
true…just bureaucracy
sure, what not. bloody bureaucrats
Can’t wait for The Thanos Imperative.
Ch’od and Gladiator fuckin’rule!!!!