Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 59.2%


TheNextChampion04/08/09NoRead Review


  1. This arc has been KICK ASS!  Too bad I am about broke and can’t afford to keep pulling it.

  2. Again, bold cover work!

  3. I really wish Daune could stay on as writer permanently. But as for now this has been….what’s the word?….oh yeah:


  4. Agreed. This has been a great arc by Duane S.

  5. I still miss Garth Ennis …

    That is a GREAT cover though. I’d vote for it as cover of the week, if iFanboy.com had that.

  6. @Wade: What is Duane doing wrong that still makes you miss Ennis? It’s been over 9 months since he left….I’ve actually almost forgotten about him…Until I remember a story he did and think to myself ‘Awesome’

  7. @Champ – I wouldn’t say he’s doing anything "wrong" it’s just different to Ennis, & like an autistic child — I’m resistant to change. Ennis’ run, including all the minis *ARE* the true definition/interpritation of the character in my eyes now. Any other version of the Punisher just rings false to me. It’s like if another actor played the Joker now — sure it might be good, but it won’t be Ledger. y’know?

  8. Loving the Duane S. arc!

  9. This was a good issue; felt a little slow….like Duane was stretching this part of the story.

    But still great art by Lacombe and Staples.

  10. Shit, I think this would be better read in trade.  I just picked this one up, read the whole thing, and could barely remember what the heck is going on except for the part about him getting injected with a serum that makes him die soon. I am definitely switching over to the trades once this arc is over.

  11. I liked this issue! This was more like the Frank Castle we know — brutal & no bullshit. Awesome art too, and no I didn’t just like this because it had boobs in it …

  12. Another sweet issue.  Some brutal stuff!

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