Comic Books


Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 23.8%


akamuu06/16/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.5
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Pick this book up. 

  2. Yay!

  3. Pleeeeease have a Jarvis Cocker reference! uw or maybe Lush!

  4. Trade waiting on this.

    It’s been hard, but I’m doing my best.

  5. Yay!!! The Knife issue! "We hare our mother’s health" is one of the best songs of the 00’s.

  6. "Yay" indeed….i’m loving this book

  7. if this book was a person, i’ll be jealous of it’s clothes but find it extremely annoying

  8. Sorry – let me try that again, since there’s no edit I can see:

    For those who are intrigued, there’s a five page preview here.

    Also, all the reviews are compiled here. 3 so far, all of which worryingly positive.


  9. @Alex – Supposedly the 6 pages of backup stories each week (which are some of the best bits) won’t be included in the trade, at least until there’s enough way down the line to constitute one of their own, so you might want to reconsider. This run does work really well in a single issues too…

  10. Just read that preview, I think I love you KG, that pushed every single one of my buttons. And does this mean that we get a Kenickie track on the club mix?? Squeeeeeeee! I’m still super excited to see how Wolf Like Me fits into all this….

  11. The worst part of Phonogram is waiting until the next issue comes out, this was amazing

  12. @Gobo-Agreed.  My favorite issue so far.  Loved Kid-With-Knife’s interpretation of the first trade.  I would not be surprised at all if this was Ron’s POTW.  Stellar storytelling.

  13. The Control B-side was brilliant and hilarious. 🙂

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