Comic Books


Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.1%
Avg Rating: 4.2
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. I was late finding out about this so I’m waiting for the trade.

  2. Are we sure?

  3. Sure about what?

  4. If this doesn’t come out, rolling heads….

  5. I can’t remember whats going on, i’m gonna have to read #2 again.  Should only take about 2 hours

  6. Are we sure its coming out?

  7. @picespaul As sure as you can be with these thing.


    Also, note, if you are interested in jumping onto this series (which would be a good idea) this is the week for you. Not only is this the third issue coming out, but also the first two issues reprinted as a single comic. HERE IS YOUR JUMPING ON POINT!

  8. If you’re waiting for the trade you’ll be waiting for quite a while. This was originally solicited for…what, March? Seriously. I love the Hickman and I know he’s a perfectionist but dang, I wish he’d finish a series.

  9. It’s weird. I got this issue two weeks ago from my pull list at my comic shop.

    How’d that happen? O_o;

  10. I’m happy to wait for trade. Jonathan Hickman’s graphic design bent is dreamy!

  11. I also recieved it two weeks ago.

  12. yup, I’ve got this already too, wierd.

  13. According to Hickman he though maybe the stores were supposed to hold them until this week and release with the "bumper edition" but was glad that some of them got out…. i loved it when i read it a couple of weeks ago

  14. wait..where was #2?

  15. @mikeromo – A while ago.

  16. It made it! YEAH!

  17. I read PAx Romano, Red Mass from Mars, and Transhuman of all of these Transhuman has been the most consistently shipped book. I dont mind the length of time in shipping b/c Hickman’s work is consistently fucking awsome. ****Also his website has him commenting on his upcoming work with Bendis on the new Nick Fury book this January, if accurate this should be very exciting!!

  18. Great issue.  The finale is setup and i think it’s gonna be awesome.

  19. This is a work I wish would come out more often. But at least each issue is a long and satisfying read. Now if he could just get out some more Red Mass For Mars pretty soon, I’d be totally stoked.

  20. hey, new red mass for mars at the printers and going to be out in october. yay.

  21. I love the story concept for this book but I think it needs to be a much longer series to really explore the concept. I’m thinking this could be a great 6-700 page novel. Comic book, not so much. I do love the art in this though, Actually I love the book too but I just think it could be so much more.

  22. He’s said that he plans on revisiting the Pax world again, so we’ll see more eventually.

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