Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


csvaccaro04/02/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. So sad that this comic book is going away after next month!  🙁

  2. I hear you!  I’ll miss this book lots.

    It’s some consolation that it’s going away so that Fraction can write ‘Iron Man’ and ‘Uncanny X-men’ but still. . .

  3. I hope Fraction takes some of these great characters with him into Iron Man. This book will definately be missed.

  4. Zeke Stane and the Hera Pepper Potts will both be in invincible iron man

  5. The sad thing, Iron Man can’t support two books, so one of his books is going to get cut eventually. I just hope if that happens, the Order characters will find a home somewhere. Maybe in Avengers: The Initiative.

  6. I’m guessing the current "Director of SHIELD" book is going to be phased out after ‘Secret Invasion’ and the new title will go on as the main Iron Man book. 

    However, Marvel may be hoping that the movie changes the equation for what ‘Iron Man’ can sustain.  I’d rather see one good title than a bunch of lame ones, though.  *glances at Wolverine*

  7. I’ve tried and tried to get into the Knaufs Iron Man and I just dont enjoy it. Fraction’s take sounds much more like what I want out of an Iron Man book, so I’m hoping he and that book last awhile.

  8. I too will miss this book. I have to say though, that even though I had fond memories of Javier Saltares’ art from Ghost Rider back in the day, the art in this issue was terrible. It was inconsistent to the point of distraction. It was tough telling characters apart. I kept wishing that Kiton had done more than just layouts. Has he already jumped the ship or something?

    The writing was just below the usual quality level of Fraction’s stuff. The backstory on Heavy was creative and interesting and got me interested in the previously uninteresting character. But, really, does every  Fraction story these days have to end up being about Iron Man? Really? Last week it was a Punisher War Journal story that wound up being mostly about a former Iron Man enemy who has a grudge and a tough time, and now it’s Obadiah Stane’s boy out of nowhere in a tiny panel? Is this all just hype being shoehorned into other books to promote his move to Iron Man? It definitely felt out of place.

  9. Stane is definitely partly in there to lead up to Fraction’s run on "Iron Man."  But Tony Stark has been an element of this book since issue 1.  Tony handpicked the team, he’s a close friend of Henry and of Pepper, and he’s appeared in almost every issue.  Makes sense to me!

    I agree about the art, unfortunately; no question it was rushed, but there’s something to be said for just getting the damn book out already, and with a story I enjoy as much as "The Order," I’m willing to take the quality hit.

  10. This is going to sound bad, but I can’t wait for next month’s issue.  That just means the second trade will be here soon, which I can’t wait for.

  11. Great issue, but seriously what was with the second half of the book’s art? Henry looked 14 on the last page. I’m mystified why this is getting cancelled, but at least theres hope we’ll see some kind of continuation in Invincible Iron Man.

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