Comic Books


As the noose tightens around the rebellion’s neck, Orchid arrives at an enemy-controlled outpost rife with debauchery, sin, and soldiers eager to get their hands on the runaway and her companions. Opal’s expertise in the department of violence and Orchid’s streetwise instincts come in handy but can only take them so far, as a threat from Orchid’s past catches up with her and threatens to bring their tiny crusade to an end.

* Each issue will be accompanied by an original song by Tom Morello.

* Issue #1 sold out!

“Tom Morello brings class consciousness to comics with Orchid.”—Rolling Stone

Writer: Tom Morello
Artist: Scott Hepburn
Colorist: Dan Jackson
Cover Artist: Massimo Carnevale

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Wow! The scene with the pimp was not something I expected to see in a comic, or anywhere else for that matter. That’s the kind of thing that’s often threatened, but rarely followed through on.

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