Comic Books


A lead-in to next month’s thrilling “Night of the Owls” Batman event!

With the Owls descending upon Gotham City, the fate of the city’s leader rests on the shoulders of Nightwing! But as our hero embarks on a mission to rescue Mayor Hady, just how do Cameron Kane and turn-of-the-century Gotham City factor in?

Plus: the untold story of William Cobb – the Talon who’s hunting Bruce Wayne!

Written by Kyle Higgins
Pencilled by Eddy Barrows
Inked by Paulo Siqueira
Colored by Rod Reis
Cover by Eddy Barrows & Rod Reis

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


dix04/19/12NoRead Review
TheNextChampion04/18/12NoRead Review
akamuu04/17/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. picking this one up cause of the crossover – has Nightwing been good lately?

    • I’ve been generally enjoying the book, but it’s always kind on the bubble for me. The first arc (pretty much 1-7) dealt with Dick’s history with Haly’s circus. It ended up setting up some things for Night of the Owls, so I’m glad I stuck around, but I think I might have liked a couple shorter arcs more.

      I’m planning on sticking with it through the Owls issues and then seeing what I think of the next arc.

    • Ditto your question. Read the first issue but nothing since…getting regardless bc of the cross-over, but how has Nightwing been??

    • I personally have really enjoyed the title, except for issue #5, it was kinda weird with the whole demon thing, it had good action just a little off key compared to the rest of the story line, but other than that, yeah, I’ve liked it a lot! And I love the art!

  2. Nightwing has been solid, though last issue’s cramming of Night of Owls didn’t seem justified. Could’ve done the Batman #7 tie-in first and then do a Talon origin. Oh well.

  3. I wasn’t reading Nightwing, but after I heard it had some Court of Owls stuff going on I decided to check it out.

    I have read issues 1-7 in the last month and really enjoyed them. I don’t know if it was because I got to read them one after the other, but I’m on board with the series now to see if it works monthly.

    I just thought it was fun superhero ho-jinks, a crazed villain, a morally ambiguous love-interested and guest appearance from the Bat-family.

    Never read Nightwing (other than when Dick was Batman), but if this continues to be fun, I’ll stick around.

  4. cool so this is the 1st issue after the 1st arc, right?

  5. I guess this will be my first issue of Nightwing unless it looks terrible. So far it has just looked boring to me. But Night of the Owls should be bad ass.

  6. This has been ok, not really a hit but not really a dud; although it seemed to drag a little in the last few issues and had me questioning sticking around. I will for the Court of Owls cross over and see why oh why would Batman bitch slap Dick like that??


    • I think it was q combination of reasons, mainly Bruce wasn’t thinking clearly due to his week of torture. So for some reason the slap was the quickest way to get the evil tooth out

  7. Higgins has a great writing style, and this book has been consistently good. Its really picking up fast tho with the owls now. Will be on this series for the foreseeable future.

  8. Ive thought this book was slightly above average before but im so glad i got caught up on this series because this issue was fantastic! 4.5/5

  9. Is it better to read Batman #8 before this issue?

  10. This is how you to a tie-in issue! The fight in this was very entertaining but what I loved the most was the origin of the Grayson Talon. Higgins is pretty damn good at writing Old-Timey Gotham since it is his wheelhouse. Also, Barrows did a great job on art. Finally seeing why people love him so damn much cause he’s delivering it here. This might be the best issue of the run so far and I hope it stays at this quality.


  11. amazing, def in the running for my pow

  12. This was so good. I have to say that all of this NOTO is going to be great but of the first two issues, this topped Batman. But bring me the owls! And lots of them!

  13. Kinda wished I read Batman 8 before this but nevermind (I try and save what I’ll think will be the best until last). This was brilliant. Nightwing has been languishing in mediocrity the past few issues. The opening arc, despite a bright start, didn’t really do it for me in the final issues – it just felt a bit lacklustre in the end. But THIS was incredible and exactly the type of quality I want to see from this book every month.

  14. This was easily the best issue of this series yet.

  15. This was an excellent tie in issue. Great Action……I was on the fence with this series, but i think in this case the Owl Event is making me want to stick around for a while longer.

  16. I enjoyed this issue a lot, the art was great and Higgins’ plotting/dialogue was also great – but I have a question about the conclusion…

    *** SPOILER ***
    Are we to believe that William Cobb — last seen dead again and newly cut free from his Bat Cave exam table in BATMAN issue #8 (at approximately 7:28pm, Night of the Owls) — was somehow revived / set free / redressed and equipped by the invading Talons off-panel — and was then able to haul ass to City Hall (while narrating the entirety of NIGHTWING #8, lol) in time to stab his great-grandson Dick? Just seems a little tough to believe, time-wise. But then again this is a universe where Batman recruited and trained at least 4 Robins in 5 years…

    • @bionicdave LOL I was thinking the exact same thing. Still really loved the issue despite that timing snafu though.

    • Solid issue but yeah the timing is a little bit of. Got to say though, batman trained and recruited the robins in 10 years. He was already 5 years active before the other heroes in this universe.

    • So Batman’s been active since he was 20? Because I doubt DC’s New 52 wants him older than 30. Which means he traveled the world getting super-educated and super-skilled in most fighting styles between the ages of 15 and 20?

    • Maybe the rumored 0 issues in September will flesh out some of this “Robin internship” concept.

      As far as ages go, I think it’s the relationships that are more important. Meaning, it’s not so important how old Bruce is, just that he’s X number of years older than Dick who is X number of years older than Jason and so on.

      At least with Batman and Robins, it’s a pretty linear progression. Try to make sense of the relative ages of the X-characters is a whole other magnitude of difficulty.

  17. Honestly, I look at it like this.

    Bruce Wayne is 35 years old.
    Dick Grayson is 23 years old.
    Jason Todd is around Dick’s age.
    Tim Drake is 16 years old.
    Damian Wayne is 10 years old.

    So Bruce took in Dick as Robin when he was 25 and Dick was 13.
    Dick retired as Robin and became Nightwing at 18.
    Bruce took Jason as Robin for only a couple of months after Dick left, no more than a year.
    Bruce took in Tim as Robin in his early 30’s. Tim was Robin for 2 or 3 years.
    Finally, Damian is the current Robin.

    I mean you know, looking at it that way sort of works, even if there have been stories that have come before that say otherwise.

  18. Nightwaing was better this issue for me since we move away from the damn circus crap for a little while. I find that has been dragging this title down and out, now with something different it really feels so much better. That fight scene was serious bad azzery!! I hope after this CoO they maybe move Dick on to something else and leave the circus thing behind for awhile?


  19. “Night of the Owls” is here, and while Nightwing kicks some Talon butt, secrets of Gotham and Haly’s Circus are revealed. Eddy Barrows and Rod Reis rock this issue!

    Please check my mini-review of Nightwing #8 here:

    Comments and feedback are always welcome!

  20. Entertaining, though I’m new to this characterand DC in general.. I thought he was cool.. Little confused about who William Cobb is.

  21. Got it cause of the crossover but it was cool. Good ending

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