Comic Books


• After witnessing so much death in the past few months, how will Nightwing react when he learns a key figure in his life has returned from the grave?

Story by Kyle Higgins
Art by Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
Cover by Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, & Andrew Dalhouse

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.5%


CaseyJustice05/15/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I fell away from this book just before the 0 issue last year, but hearing Kyle Higgins talk about the new Chicago setting makes me want to jump back on. I’m gonna pick this up and see how it goes!

  2. Kyle did a great job setting Nightwing up in Chicago and introducing the people he’ll be interacting with for the next few months. Hope it continues on strong especially with Booth being better then I thought he would be.

  3. Yeah, I gotta say, I think Higgins did a good job setting things up last issue hopefully he can keep Nightwing to himself and develop the character a bit more free from the constant interactions with the other Batman characters.

  4. Wow. This is reminding me of the classic Chuck Dixon run that made me love the character.

    Nightwing in a new city with a real personality, a fun supporting cast and a deep mystery for Dick to solve with a flare and fun that elude the Dark Knight. Excellent stuff.

  5. This is yet another solid issue although not everything is perfect. I like the setting of Chicago and clearly Higgins has some great characters for Dick to interact with. But sometimes the pacing is a bit off so introductions are a bit wonky. I’m just surprised on how much I’ve enjoyed Booth’s art. He’s so 90s in his designs and the colors by Dalhouse sweetens that notion. And yet, despite some more wonky posing, I am compelled to say I liked this. The two page splash in this and the next page of Nightwing posing is more then enough to showcase Booth’s talents.

    Yet another example that this series has been a solid B-list book and will continue to stay that way.


  6. This is the first issue of Nightwing I’ve read in my life. It’s a slow week and I’m a big Bat fan so I thought I’d give it a shot. The artwork was stellar. The story wasn’t terrible, just a little cornball here and there. I’m not in a big hurry to see what happens next so I likely won’t pull this again.

  7. Am I the only one that thinks the Prankster is actually a girl? And even more, the girl with the bat who almost bashed Dick’s head in in her bedroom?

    Would be the ultimate prank, no?

  8. Wow, another awesome issue. They need to keep Grayson in Chicago forever. He can keep in contact with the Bat Family via email. He is so much better on his own.

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