Comic Books


Price: $2.99
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  1. Absolutely cannot wait! Stupidly excited for this book!

    One worry I have is if this is the conclusion of ‘Freefall’, is Tomasi staying with this book? Please, Mr Tomasi, don’t leave this book!!!

  2. Have to agree. Hopefully Tomasi sticks with this book for the long term.

  3. Tomasi ain’t goin’ no where any time soon, Eyun! He is writing the RIP tie-in issues. =D

    I’m interested to see who the "strange alliances" are in this issue …

  4. I am so glad Nightwing’s back on track!

  5. @WadeWilson – Thanks, dude, that’s a weight off. Here’s food for thought: With Tomasi writing Nightwing this good, and Morrison kicking ass on RIP, imagine how good those tie-ins could be???

  6. I haven’t read Nightwing since the year one storyline a couple of years back. Dick Greysons one of my favorite characters and my girlfriend says it’s been really good recently. Been thinking of reading it, Has Peter Tomasi’s first story arc been collected yet? 

  7. @WinTheWonderboy – If this ‘Freefall’ story is his first arc, and I believe it is (yay or nay, Conor?) then this is the final part of the arc and the trade is coming out October 14th.

  8. Eyun’s right.

  9. @Eyun&conor: Cool, thanks guys.

  10. *SPOILERS*

    Another exellent issue with one minor problem — they needed to make it more clear it was Kendall who had transformed, either by showing it or at least explaining how it happened.

    Also … does this issue make Dick a muderer??

  11. I’m not sure what a "muderer" is, someone who kills mud?

    But I meant to type "murderer". I’m awesome at typing.

  12. No one talkin’ about this issue???

    Eyun, what did you think of it?

  13. Loved the scene with Supes

  14. @Wade- My store was sold out (DAMN THEM! The ONE book I couldn’t wait for!) so had to order it. I’ll let you know when it arrives.

  15. There were many elements I liked in this story arc and a few I did not. I don’t think this creative team has quite hit it yet but I’m willing to give it time. Nightwing is one of my favorite characters and I don’t really feel that anyone has hit the mark since Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel but I’m glad to see this title recovering from that whole mob disaster a while back.

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