Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


coltrane6811/25/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. now that is one awesome cover. i have a feeling this is the issue where things really get going in a big way

  2. I love this cover! The colours are so vibrant!

  3. But remember, Roivampire, none of the covers of new avengers ever happen. I don’t want you to get your hopes up because i care so much about your feelings. that’s my curse, that’s my burden

  4. Immonen is AWESOME!

  5. Uggghhh, I just can’t do this book anymore, especially with an event coming up.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the events, but this book perpetually feels like a tie-in

  6. Those two need to totally do it and have spider-babies.

  7. i dropped this at issue 56, found issue 58 in a dollar bin at a small con, grabbed 57 and read them both. REALLY happy i did, cause i dropped this book at a bad time. These past two issues have been epic. really really digging the writing again.

  8. I dropped this right after the Brother Voodoo story, it was more of a price protest than anything, that and I hated the stereotypical way they wrote BV’s dialog.  It was so early Black Lightning.  I hate paying 3.99 for a regular-sized book.  I may pick this one up however, love the cover and the Spider Woman, so as long as she’s in it, I’ll probably get it.

  9. This was been terrific lately and I still get all warm and gooey inside thinking about Immonen’s art, particularly the sewer throw down a few issues back.

  10. Easily one of top Marvel’s top books.

    @Cutty-Of course you don’t like this book, you don’t like quality.  That’s why you read DC!!!

  11. that cover is horrid. 

     looks like an animation cell.

  12. @clintaa: That’s exactly why I think it’s awesome.

  13. That cover is bright and vibrant and a breath of fresh air. Love it. Although it doesn’t look much like Immonen, oddly (to me).

  14. If they ever made an animated movie that had the quality of this cover, they would break the bank.

  15. I’m not saying it’s bad art and it would be great to see an animated film that looked like that but i HATE when that art shows up in comics.

  16. I wish this comic cost 4.99. I’m so sick of paying 3.99 for regular sized comics. Why should the 4.99 price be reserved for oversized issues only?

  17. ?

  18. @vada: Just venting my frustration about the continued complaints about the rise in comic prices. 

  19. ?

  20. @edward i think he’s being ironical

  21. ironical? 

  22. much ironical

  23. I too doubted "ironical", was about to make a joke about it being the new line of Legos.  but apparently it is a recognized adjective form of irony.

  24. I can’t wait to pick this one up today. I’m loving this series.  Interested in seeing what’s going to happen to Luke Cage.  I’m thinking the backstab he pulled back in issue 50 is gonna come back to kick him in the ass this issue. 

  25. This was fun.  I’m not sure how else to put it.  A lot of Avengers doing what Avengers do.  And when its done by Immonenyou can’t go wrong.  A great, fun issue.  And is it just me or has Immonen gotten much better recently?  I always liked him but lately he’s just been awesome.

  26. The price point sucks. The only way I think people will stop complaining is if they drop the price to a reasonable level. I’ll read this book when it hits the library or I’ll buy it for half price two months from now. Hate the animation look. It’s a comic, not a cartoon.

  27. birdsview- I wasn’t questioning if it was a word or not, I just thought it was a funny choice. No offense Vamproi. They should make Bionicle figures that talk and make sarcastic comments and call them "Ironicals".

  28. Comics used to be 25 cents. Prices go up, shit changes. Get over it. I think it is pretty amazing that comics are as cheap as they are considering all the people that work on them, (writer, artist, inker, colorist, letterer, story editor, etc…) not to mention promotion, printing costs, and shipping. When you actually think about all the work that goes into one comic it’s pretty amazing they can charge 3.99 and still make money.

  29. @USPUNX- agreed

     This was a damn good issue.  the "Luke’s friends" team was fun to see.  Immonen’s art was really great here. 

  30. I thought this was one of the weaker issues as of late, honestly. Good art, but besides that I felt it kinda failed to deliver what I have come to expect out of NA. 3/5.

  31. man, what an awssome issue. This is like the all action spectalur but smart and exciting and great. the art was fantastic. It totally felt like a Ocean’s 11 movie. Loved It!

  32. I’m not a fan of how the covers for New Avengers are less and less  indicative of the actual story.  I know this has been going on in comics for a while, but I mean come on! The Solicits should at least be a bit more true to the story as well.  Just my little nitpick for the day. 

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