Comic Books


The crossover you’ve been waiting for! Before superheroes, there were Masks!

The Shadow, the Green Hornet, Kato, the Spider and more in a story that only Dynamite could tell! For the first time EVER, these masked vigilantes are joining together in one EPIC series!

It’s 1938, and the Justice Party has swept into office in New York State. But the newly-elected officials are in the control of powerful criminals, who quickly corrupt the law to their own advantage. When a fascist police state is instituted, the only ones who stand in defense of the innocent are masked vigilantes like the Shadow, the Green Hornet, Kato, and the Spider. As the confrontation builds, more masked heroes will join the fight including Black Bat, Miss Fury, Black Terror, Green Lama and many more!

When the law is unjust, justice must be an outlaw!

Story by Chris Roberson
Art by Alex Ross
Cover by Alex Ross, Jae Lee, Francesco Francavilla, Ardian Syaf, & Sean Philips

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.2%


MutantSentry12/01/12YesRead Review
nbcabaniss11/29/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Super duper psyched about this one. Alex Ross is by far my favorite artist!

  2. Hoping to snag a copy of the francavilla or jae lee cover. I’ll see what my store has.

  3. Ahhhh, so that’s why Comixology has a sale on the previous titles about these characters!

  4. I got this for free from Midtown Comics with my order the other day. Looking forward to seeing actual Alex Ross interiors, even if it is just this one issue.

  5. This has been my most anticipated single issue of the year. The preview already looks amazing. I hope the rest of it lives up to the hype. Just seeing Lamont Cranston and Britt Reid talking sans masks is great. Throw in Richard Wentworth, and you’ve got a bunch of rich vigilantes… honestly can’t wait. And all the variant covers are awesome.

  6. This is going to be a great mini-series. I loved the art from this one (Alex Ross does no wrong in my opinion). The story is a classic and is unfolding in a great way.

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