Comic Books
“A recluse Astro-Scientist discovers the key word to the Universe, one that can only be given to a Boy who is completely honest, studious, and of such integrity that he would only use it for the powers of good. He finds such a Boy in MICKY MORAN, a Newspaper Copy Boy, and treats him in a special machine which enables him to use the secret. Just before the Scientist dies, he tells MICKY the key word which is KIMOTA. Micky Moran remains as he was, but when he says the Key Word KIMOTA he becomes MARVELMAN, a man of such strength and powers that he is Invincible and Indestructible!”
And with those words in 1954’s MARVELMAN #25 began the saga of one of the most storied characters ever to emerge from the British comics market. Now, thrill to the adventures of Marvelman, Young Marvelman and Kid Marvelman as they take on enemy agents, mad scientists and more in this “best of” series!
WRITER: Mick AngloPENCILS: Mick Anglo
Price: $3.99
Hell of a cover!
@Peterparker18102: True that.
This is just a reprint of the old books right? if so I might just get the trade.
Yeah it reprints the old mick Anglo stuff, I’m doin monthly just so I can be up on what is to come
hmmm, you got a point. IDK, maybe I will go monthly.
First "new" Miracleman release in 20 years… you just gotta be along for the ride!
$4 for black and white on newsprint? Thanks Marvel, I don’t feel like you bend me over often enough as is.
I liked the bw on newsprint
I enjoyed this, as it introduced us to the major players. I’m curious what the other 5 issues will be, since this doesn’t appear to be a complete collection of Marvel Man stories.
@toshimoko29–modern newsprint will prob last longer than the junk mail paper they print most comics on. =p