As the brains and driving force behind Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has become the youngest billionaire in the history of the planet.

The road to success for both his creation and him personally was not preordained nor was it always a smooth ride. Learn how a young man’s frustration with women helped spark an idea that would have him dating Victoria’s Secret models and how a socially inept young man wound up creating a company that has revolutionized the way hundreds of millions of people all over the globe socialize with each other.

Story by Jerome Maida
Art by Fritz Saalfeld
Cover by Michal Syksznian

Price: $6.99
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  1. Just go away. He’s like that person that keeps trying to friend you while you keep hitting the “ignore” button, yet, they some how start the process over an over. I’m not going to be your friend now, tomorrow, or Wednesday when a comic book comes out about you.

  2. This could be as good as the Social Network.

  3. I wonder if the writer wrote this while at the theater while watching The Social Network or while at home watching Bloomberg’s Gamechangers.

  4. Is this Canon?

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