Comic Books


The narrative reaches its cataclysmic conclusion in London 2009.

The magical child whose ominous coming has been foretold for the past century has now been born and has grown up to claim his dreadful heritage. His promised age of unending terror can commence, the world can now be ended, and there is no League, extraordinary or otherwise, to stand in his way. The bitter, intractable war in Q’umar crawls bloodily to its fifth year, away in Kashmir a Sikh terrorist wages a holy war against Islam that must push the world into a nuclear holocaust, and in a London asylum there’s a patient who insists she has all the answers.

Story by Alan Moore
Art by Kevin O'neill

Price: $9.95
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.6%


rogerwhitson06/28/12YesRead Review
MysterionRises06/28/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.5
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Absolutely stoked about this, especially after I heard who was going to be the Anti-Christ…. lol

  2. Please be better than the last one, please be better than the last one, please…

  3. I got this from Amazon in the UK last week. It’s much better than the last one, trust

  4. The first two were great, the last three left me asking myself if I should drop acid before reading to get the desired result.

  5. So has Jess Nevin’s got a new annotated guide out yet for this? Seems like he has the last one out nearly the same day the book hit…

  6. Just got it Tuesday night and it’s an amazing comic, a very fun read.

  7. Loved it. Crazy at times, in a good way. A nice full capper to the volume and a big arrow pointed towards the next story.

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